Mlokole Asiyezuilika (The Unstoppable Juggernaut)
Watu-X watawezaje kuzuia nguvu kama Mlokole Asiyezuilika?
(How will the X-Men be able to stop a force like the Unstoppable Juggernaut?)
Note: His Swahili name Mlokole refers to his obstinate, fanatical attitude and unstoppable powers that derive from the god Cyttorak himself.
Baada ya kupokea ilani kuhusu kuwepo kwenye nguvu kwa Cerebro, Watu-X waweka mitambo ya ulinzi pande zote za jumba. Wakati mpinzani wao anapopitia kila mfumo wa ulinzi bila kuathiriwa, Profesa X asimulia wanafunzi wake kuhusu asili ya mhalifu huyo mpya.
After receiving an alert about a powerful presence by Cerebro, the X-Men erect defense mechanisms around the mansion. While their opponent breaches each line of defense unscathed, Professor X fills his students in on the origin of this new villain.
Huyo ndiye kaka wa kambo wa profesa! Walipokuwa watoto, baba zao walikuwa wakifanya kazi pamoja katika mtambo wa utafiti wa nyuklia; na baada ya kifo cha Daktari Brian Xavier, mama wa Profesa X akaolewa na Daktari Kurt Marko, ambaye alitamani tu utajiri wa familia ya Xavier.
He is the professor's very own step-brother! As children, their fathers worked together in a nuclear research plant; and after Dr. Brian Xavier's death, Professor X's mother got married to Doctor Kurt Marko who only desired the Xavier family's fortune.
Muda fulani baadaye, baba wa Cain na mama wa Profesa X pia walikufa, wakimwacha kijana Charles peke yake pamoja na kaka yake mkubwa wa kambo ambaye alikuwa mwana wa mke wa kwanza wa Daktari Marko. Kaka hao wawili, wanaoshindana sikuzote, walitumikia jeshini wakati wa Vita vya Korea, ambapo Cain alipata hekalu la kale lililofichika katika kina cha pango.
Some time after, Cain's father and Professor X's mother died, leaving young Charles alone with his elder step-brother who was the son of Doctor Marko's first wife's. The ever-rivalling brothers both served in the Korean War, where Cain stumbled upon an ancient temple hidden deep in a cave.
Ndani, aligundua rubi ya kichawi iliyomgeuza kuwa nguvu isiyozuilika inayojulikana kama Mlokole. Ghafla, mapango yaliporomoka; Cain alizikwa akiwa hai! Sasa hadithi ya Profesa yakatishwa; mwishowe Mlokole amefika kwenye jumba lao. Watu-X wajaribu kumzuia asiingie kwa nguvu zao zote, hata hivyo wote walitupwa pembeni tu. Sasa hakuna kitu kinachoweza kumzuia, Mlokole anapokaribia kumshambulia kaka yake wa kambo—Profesa X!
Inside, he discovered a magical ruby that changed him into an unstoppable force known as the Juggernaut. Suddenly, the caves gave in; Cain was buried alive! Now Professor X's story is interrupted; the Juggernaut finally has arrived at their mansion. The X-Men try to stop him with all their might, yet they are all simply tossed aside. Now nothing can stop him, as the Juggernaut is about to attack his step-brother—Professor X!
Watu-X watawezaje kuzuia nguvu kama Mlokole Asiyezuilika?
(How will the X-Men be able to stop a force like the Unstoppable Juggernaut?)
Note: His Swahili name Mlokole refers to his obstinate, fanatical attitude and unstoppable powers that derive from the god Cyttorak himself.
Baada ya kupokea ilani kuhusu kuwepo kwenye nguvu kwa Cerebro, Watu-X waweka mitambo ya ulinzi pande zote za jumba. Wakati mpinzani wao anapopitia kila mfumo wa ulinzi bila kuathiriwa, Profesa X asimulia wanafunzi wake kuhusu asili ya mhalifu huyo mpya.
After receiving an alert about a powerful presence by Cerebro, the X-Men erect defense mechanisms around the mansion. While their opponent breaches each line of defense unscathed, Professor X fills his students in on the origin of this new villain.
Huyo ndiye kaka wa kambo wa profesa! Walipokuwa watoto, baba zao walikuwa wakifanya kazi pamoja katika mtambo wa utafiti wa nyuklia; na baada ya kifo cha Daktari Brian Xavier, mama wa Profesa X akaolewa na Daktari Kurt Marko, ambaye alitamani tu utajiri wa familia ya Xavier.
He is the professor's very own step-brother! As children, their fathers worked together in a nuclear research plant; and after Dr. Brian Xavier's death, Professor X's mother got married to Doctor Kurt Marko who only desired the Xavier family's fortune.
Muda fulani baadaye, baba wa Cain na mama wa Profesa X pia walikufa, wakimwacha kijana Charles peke yake pamoja na kaka yake mkubwa wa kambo ambaye alikuwa mwana wa mke wa kwanza wa Daktari Marko. Kaka hao wawili, wanaoshindana sikuzote, walitumikia jeshini wakati wa Vita vya Korea, ambapo Cain alipata hekalu la kale lililofichika katika kina cha pango.
Some time after, Cain's father and Professor X's mother died, leaving young Charles alone with his elder step-brother who was the son of Doctor Marko's first wife's. The ever-rivalling brothers both served in the Korean War, where Cain stumbled upon an ancient temple hidden deep in a cave.
Ndani, aligundua rubi ya kichawi iliyomgeuza kuwa nguvu isiyozuilika inayojulikana kama Mlokole. Ghafla, mapango yaliporomoka; Cain alizikwa akiwa hai! Sasa hadithi ya Profesa yakatishwa; mwishowe Mlokole amefika kwenye jumba lao. Watu-X wajaribu kumzuia asiingie kwa nguvu zao zote, hata hivyo wote walitupwa pembeni tu. Sasa hakuna kitu kinachoweza kumzuia, Mlokole anapokaribia kumshambulia kaka yake wa kambo—Profesa X!
Inside, he discovered a magical ruby that changed him into an unstoppable force known as the Juggernaut. Suddenly, the caves gave in; Cain was buried alive! Now Professor X's story is interrupted; the Juggernaut finally has arrived at their mansion. The X-Men try to stop him with all their might, yet they are all simply tossed aside. Now nothing can stop him, as the Juggernaut is about to attack his step-brother—Professor X!
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