Monday, April 2, 2018

mabadiliko (transformation)

kubadili (v.t. to change)
kubadilika (v.i. to change [of its own accord]; to transform; to mutate)
kubadilisha (v.t. to [cause to] change; to transform; to mutate; to alter)
kujibadilisha (ref. to transform oneself)

Kwa mfano, mwanamume alibadili jina la mwanawe kuwa Abrahamu.
For example, the man changed his son's name to Abraham.

mabadiliko (changes; alterations; transformation)

mabadiliko ya chembe za urithi (mutation; lit. changes of the genetic cells)
mabadiliko jeni (gene mutation; lit. gene changes)
aliyebadilika-jeni (mutant; lit. one who changed by [his] genes)

Aliyebadilika-jeni ni neno linalorejelea kiumbe ambaye chembe zake za urithi zimebadilika. Kwa mfano, kambamti wenye chembe za urithi zilizobadilika huweza kuwa na rangi ya buluu badala ya kuwa na rangi yake nyekundu ya asili. 

Mutant is a word that refers to a creature whose genetic cells have changed. For example, a mutant lobster can have a blue color instead of having its natural red color.

mwenye jeni-X (a Marvel mutant; lit. a possessor of the X-gene)
kioja (an oddity; an anomaly; something marvellous; something astonishing)

aliyebadilishwa-jeni (a mutate; lit. one whose genes were changed / one who was changed by the genes)
kiumbe mwenye uwezo unaozidi ule wa wanadamu (a superhuman; lit. a creature with abilities that exceed those of humans)
nguvu zinazozidi zile za wanadamu (superhuman powers; lit. powers that exceed those of humans)
asiyebinadamu (an inhuman)
taifa la chini (sub-race)
kurithiwa (to be inherited)

Hata hivyo, mtu mwenye jeni-X ulimwenguni mwa Marvel ni aina ya kiumbe mwenye chembe za urithi zilizobadilika ambaye hujitokeza katika komiki za bunilizi ya kisayansi, kama vile Watu-X, na ambaye alizaliwa akiwa na jeni-X isababishayo mabadiliko hayo ya chembe zao za urithiKatika ulimwengu wa Marvel Comics, istilahi ya aliyebadilishwa-jeni (mutate) inayorejelea kiumbe ambaye chembe zake za urithi zimebadilishwa ili awe na uwezo unaozidi ule wa wanadamu, tofauti na waliobadilika-jeni, wasiobinadamu na mataifa mengine ya chini ya ubinadamu ambayo mabadiliko yao ya urithi hurithiwa.

However, a Marvel mutant is a type of mutant who appears in science fiction comics, such as The X-Men, and who is born with the X-gene which causes this mutation of theirs. In the Marvel Comics universe, the term mutate refers to a creature whose genetic cells have been changed to become superhuman, as opposed to mutants, inhumans and other sub-races of humanity whose genetic alterations are inherited.

mageuzi ya spishi (evolution)
dubwana la mfukoni (pocket monster)
metamofosisi (metamorphosis)
takwimu (statistic)
tajriba (experience)
ya kutosha (enough)

Mageuzi ya spishi ya dubwana la mfukoni ni mabadiliko ghafla ya umbo ambayo ni ya kufanana na metamofosisi kuliko mageuzi halisi ya spishi inayoandamana na kuongezeka kwa idadi ya takwimu; hii inaweza tu kutokea iwapo kiumbe amepata pointi za tajriba za kutosha.

Evolution of a pocket monster is a sudden change in form which is more akin to a metamorphosis than actual evolution accompanied by an increase in statistical values; this only can occur once the creature has gained enough experience points.

mbadilisha-umbo (shape-shifter)
kugeuza (v.t. to change)
kugeuka kuwa (to turn into)

Wabadilisha-umbo ni viumbe wenye uwezo wa kujibadilisha na kubadilisha umbo lao na kuwa watu wengine, wanyama na hata vitu vingine. Mbadilisha-umbo maarufu zaidi ni Mistiki kutoka Watu-X.

Shape-shifters are creatures with the ability to transform and change their shape into other people, animals and other objects. The most famous shape-shifter is Mystique from the X-Men.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

mjiambuaji (stripper)

mjiambuaji (stripper)
mcheza-dansi mtiriri (exotic dancer)

Mjiambuaji au mcheza-densi mtiriri, kwa kawaida huitwa stripa, ni mwanamke (au pia mwanamume) anayevua nguo zake kwa pesa.

A stripper or exotic dancer, usually called stripper, is a woman (or also a man) who takes off her/his clothes for money.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


mpira wa asili (real rubber; to distinguish from the preceding mpira which in this context means ball)
mcheza-tenisi (tennis player)
iliyo tupu ndani (hollow)
iliyofunikwa kwa (covered with)
neti (net)
mpinzani (opponent)

Tenisi ni mchezo ambao kwa kawaida huchezwa kati ya wacheza-tenisi wawili ambapo mpira wa mpira wa asili ulio tupu ndani na uliofunikwa kwa kitambaa gandamizo hupigwa juu ya neti hadi kwenye kiwanja cha mchezo cha mpinzani.

Tennis is a sport that is usually played between two tennis players in which a hollow rubber ball covered with felt is struck over a net into the opponent's court.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


gofu (golf)
usahihi (precision)
klabu ya gofu (golf club)
mchezaji wa gofu; mcheza-gofu (golfer)
inayoshindana (competing)
kadha ya (several)
kadhaa (several)
iliyomo (which are in)
uwanja wa gofu (golf course)
idadi (amount)
~ kidogo iwezekanayo (lowest possible ~)
mpigo (stroke; swing)

Gofu ni mchezo wa usahihi wa klabu na mpira ambapo wachezaji wa gofu wanaoshindana hutumia aina ya kadha ya klabu (k.v. kigoe, chuma, weji, puta, chipa) ili kugonga mpira mdogo mweupe kwa mashimo kadhaa yaliyomo katika uwanja wa gofu kwa kutumia idadi kidogo iwezekanavyo ya mpigo.

Golf is a precision club-and-ball sport in which competing golfers use several types of clubs (ex: a driver, an iron, wedge, putter, chipper) in order to hit a small white ball into a several holes on a golf course by using the fewest amount of strokes.

Monday, March 12, 2018

mpira wa wavu

mpira wa wavu (volleyball)
kuweka chini mpira (to ground a ball)
kiwanja cha mchezo (court)

Mpira wa wavu ni mchezo ambapo timu mbili za wachezaji sita hujaribu kupata pointi kwa kuweka chini mpira kwenye kiwanja cha mchezo ya timu hiyo nyingine.

Volleyball is a sport in which two teams of six players try to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

mpira wa kikapu

mpira wa kikapu (basketball)
nia (objective; aim; goal)
iliyowekwa (placed; positioned; put)
sambamba na upeo wa macho (horizontal; lit. parallel with the eyes' horizon)

Mpira wa kikapu ni mchezo wa kikundi ukiwa na nia ya kutupa mpira kupitia kikapu kilichowekwa sambamba na upeo wa macho ili kupata pointi.

Basketball is a team sport whose objective is to shoot a ball through a horizontally-positioned basket to score points.

Watu-X #13 (The X-Men #13)

Mlokole, Sura ya Pili (The Juggernaut, Chapter Two)
Mahali Mlokole anapotembea! (Where the Juggernaut walks!)

Mlokole anavunja jumba la Watu-X na anajitayarisha kumshambulia kaka yake wa kambo—Profesa X. Watu-X wanaweza tu kumshughulisha mhalifu huyo asiyezuilika, wakati Profesa X anapoomba msaada kwa akili yake kwa kutumia kifaa kipya cha kukuza nguvu zake. Mwishowe, Mwanadamu Mwenge anaitika na kusaidia kumkengeusha Mlokole kwa muda mrefu wa kutosha, ili Watu-X wamvue helmeti yake. Sasa kwa kuwa Mlokole anaweza kudhurika na telepathia ya Profesa X, adui yao alishindwa kwa urahisi, lakini kila mmoja wa Watu-X ndiyo alipokea majeraha machache.

The Juggernaut breaks into the X-Men's mansion and is getting ready to attack his step-brother—Professor X. The X-Men can only keep the unstoppable villain busy, while Professor X mentally calls for help with a new amplifying device. Finally, Human Torch responds and helps distract the Juggernaut long enough for the X-Men to take off his helmet. Now with Juggernaut vulnerable to Professor X's telepathy, their enemy was defeated easily, but each one of the X-Men did receive some injuries.

Saturday, March 10, 2018


kitovu cha uwanja wa besiboli ([baseball] diamond)
gongo (bat)
kugonga (to hit; to knock)
iliyotupwa (thrown)
kituo (base)
iliyopangwa (arranged)
mgongaji (batter)
mtupaji; mtupa-mpira (pitcher)
msimamisha-mpira (shortstop)
mwamuzi (umpire)
refe (referee)

Besiboli ni mchezo wa gongo na mpira kati ya timu mbili zenye wachezaji tisa: nia huwa ni kupata pointi (runs kwa Kiingereza) kwa kugonga mpira uliotupwa kwa kutumia gongo na kugusa baadhi ya vituo vilivyopangwa pembeni mwa kitovu cha uwanja wa besiboli wenye futi 90 kwa ukubwa. Mgongaji hugonga mpira; mtupaji (mtupa-mpira) hutupa mpira; msimamisha-mpira (shortstop kwa Kiingereza) huzuia mpira kati ya kituo cha pili na cha tatu na mwamuzi ni refa.

Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport between two teams of nine players: the aim is to score "runs" by knocking a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of bases arranged at the corners of a 90-foot [baseball] diamond. The batter hits the ball; the pitcher throws the ball; the shortstop blocks the ball between second and third base and the umpire is the referee.

Watu-X #12 (The X-Men #12)

Mlokole Asiyezuilika (The Unstoppable Juggernaut)
Watu-X watawezaje kuzuia nguvu kama Mlokole Asiyezuilika?
(How will the X-Men be able to stop a force like the Unstoppable Juggernaut?) 
Note: His Swahili name Mlokole refers to his obstinate, fanatical attitude and unstoppable powers that derive from the god Cyttorak himself.

Baada ya kupokea ilani kuhusu kuwepo kwenye nguvu kwa Cerebro, Watu-X waweka mitambo ya ulinzi pande zote za jumba. Wakati mpinzani wao anapopitia kila mfumo wa ulinzi bila kuathiriwa, Profesa X asimulia wanafunzi wake kuhusu asili ya mhalifu huyo mpya.

After receiving an alert about a powerful presence by Cerebro, the X-Men erect defense mechanisms around the mansion. While their opponent breaches each line of defense unscathed, Professor X fills his students in on the origin of this new villain. 

Huyo ndiye kaka wa kambo wa profesa! Walipokuwa watoto, baba zao walikuwa wakifanya kazi pamoja katika mtambo wa utafiti wa nyuklia; na baada ya kifo cha Daktari Brian Xavier, mama wa Profesa X akaolewa na Daktari Kurt Marko, ambaye alitamani tu utajiri wa familia ya Xavier. 

He is the professor's very own step-brother! As children, their fathers worked together in a nuclear research plant; and after Dr. Brian Xavier's death, Professor X's mother got married to Doctor Kurt Marko who only desired the Xavier family's fortune.

Muda fulani baadaye, baba wa Cain na mama wa Profesa X pia walikufa, wakimwacha kijana Charles peke yake pamoja na kaka yake mkubwa wa kambo ambaye alikuwa mwana wa mke wa kwanza wa Daktari Marko. Kaka hao wawili, wanaoshindana sikuzote, walitumikia jeshini wakati wa Vita vya Korea, ambapo Cain alipata hekalu la kale lililofichika katika kina cha pango. 

Some time after, Cain's father and Professor X's mother died, leaving young Charles alone with his elder step-brother who was the son of Doctor Marko's first wife's. The ever-rivalling brothers both served in the Korean War, where Cain stumbled upon an ancient temple hidden deep in a cave. 

Ndani, aligundua rubi ya kichawi iliyomgeuza kuwa nguvu isiyozuilika inayojulikana kama Mlokole. Ghafla, mapango yaliporomoka; Cain alizikwa akiwa hai! Sasa hadithi ya Profesa yakatishwa; mwishowe Mlokole amefika kwenye jumba lao. Watu-X wajaribu kumzuia asiingie kwa nguvu zao zote, hata hivyo wote walitupwa pembeni tu. Sasa hakuna kitu kinachoweza kumzuia, Mlokole anapokaribia kumshambulia kaka yake wa kambo—Profesa X!

Inside, he discovered a magical ruby that changed him into an unstoppable force known as the Juggernaut. Suddenly, the caves gave in; Cain was buried alive! Now Professor X's story is interrupted; the Juggernaut finally has arrived at their mansion. The X-Men try to stop him with all their might, yet they are all simply tossed aside. Now nothing can stop him, as the Juggernaut is about to attack his step-brother—Professor X!

Friday, March 9, 2018

mchezo wa mpira wa miguu

mchezo wa mpira wa miguu (the game of football)
kandanda ya Marekani (American football)
yenye umbo la yai (oval[-shaped])
ya bandia (artificial; fake)
yadi (yard)
kwa urefu (in length; ~ long)
kwa upana (in width; ~ wide)
majani mororo [na udongo wake] (turf; lit. soft grass [and its soil])

Mchezo wa mpira wa miguu, au kandanda ya Marekani, ni mchezo wa kikundi kati ya timu mbili za wachezaji kumi na moja unaochezwa kwa kutumia mpira wenye umbo la yai uliotengenezwa kwa ngozi ya nguruwe kwenye uwanja wa mstatili wenye majani mororo wa sanisia ulio yadi 120 kwa urefu na yadi 53.3 kwa upana ukiwa na goli pande zote mbili.

The game of football, or American football, is a team sport between two teams of eleven players that is played by using a oval ball made of pig skin on a rectangular field with artificial turf that is 120 yards long and 53.3 yards wide having goalposts at both ends.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Watu-X #11 (The X-Men #11)

Mgeni (The Stranger)

Baada ya kugundua saini ya nishati yenye nguvu sana, Undugu na Watu-X pia wajaribu kuandikisha mtu mwingine mwenye jeni-X. Undugu wawasiliana naye kwanza, kwa hiyo Magneto na Bwana Akili wajaribu kumvutia mgeni huyo kwa uwezo wao. Mwishowe, wamkasirisha mwanachama wao mpya mtarajiwa, ambaye kisha ageuza Bwana Akili kuwa jiwe. Watu-X wafikapo, Mgeni ateka nyara Magneto na Jura pia na kutokomea mbali. Sasa kwa kuwa Magneto ametoweka, Zebaki na Mchawi Mwekundu waamini kwamba wamelipa deni lao kwa Magneto, kwa hiyo waamua kurudi katika nchi yao ya kuzaliwa barani Ulaya. 

Karibu na hapo, Watu-X wamfikia yule mtu mpya mwenye jeni-X ambaye ajifunua kuwa kiumbe kutoka anga la nje aitwaye Mgeni. Watu wa spishi yake wanapendezwa na mabadiliko jeni, na hivyo ndivyo Mgeni achungua Magneto na Jura wawe vielelezo vyake vipya, kwa kuwa walisisitiza kuungana naye tangu mwanzoni kabisa. Watu-X waweza kusimama na kutazama tu huku maadui zao wanapopaa angani. Tena nyumbani, Cerebro yatambua kwamba mtu mwingine mwenye nguvu nyingi yuko karibu sana.

After detecting a very powerful energy signature, both the Brotherhood and the X-Men attempt to recruit another mutant. The Brotherhood makes first contact, so Magneto and Mastermind try to impress this stranger with their abilities. They end up annoying their potential recruit, who then changes Mastermind to stone. As the X-Men arrive, the Stranger kidnaps both Magneto and Toad and vanish into thin air. Now that Magneto is gone, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch believe that they have worked off their debt to Magneto, so they decide to return to their native land in Europe.

Not far away, the X-Men catch up to the new mutant who reveals himself to be an extraterrestrial called the Stranger. The people of his species are interested in gene mutation, and thus the Stranger chooses Magneto and Toad as his new specimens, since they insisted on allying themselves with him in the first place. The X-Men can only stand by and watch as their enemies blast off into space. Back home, Cerebro detects the presence of another great power nearby.


kandanda (football)
soka (soccer)
mchezaji kandanda (footballer)
mpira wa soka (soccer ball)
yenye mirabamiraba (checkered)
timu pinzani (opposing team)

Kandanda, pia huitwa soka, ni mchezo kati ya timu mbili ya wachezaji kandanda kumi na mmoja uliochezwa kwa kupiga teke mpira wa mviringo wenye mirabamiraba kuelekea upande wa goli ya timu pinzani iliyo katikati ya kila upande fupi katika uwanja wa mstatili wa nyasi.

Football, also called soccer, is a sport between two teams of eleven footballers played by kicking a spherical checkered ball towards the opposing team's side of the goal in the middle of each short end on a rectangular field of grass.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

mchezo wa kuviringisha tufe

mchezo wa kuviringisha tufe (bowling)
shughuli ya masaa ya mapumziko (leisure activity)
mviringisha-tufe (bowler)
tufe ([hard] ball)
ujia mwembamba (lane)
kugonga (knock over)
pini (pin)

Mchezo wa kuviringisha tufe inarejelea michezo mbalimbali au shughuli za masaa ya mapumziko ambapo mchezaji, anayejulikana kama mviringisha-tufe, huviringisha au kutupa tufe kwenye ujia mwembamba ili kugonga mapini.

Bowling refers to various sports or leisure activities in which the player, known as a bowler, rolls or throws a ball down a lane to knock over pins.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Watu-X #10 (X-Men #10)

Ka-Zar na Nchi ya Washenzi (Ka-Zar and the Savage Land)

Hivi karibuni, ilitolewa taarifa kwamba mwanasayansi ameokolewa na mtu mshenzi barani Antaktika, Saiklopsi apanga misheni kwenda Antaktika kuchunguza kama mtu huyo wa mwituni ana jeni-X. Walipofika Antaktika, Watu-X wapeleleza zaidi jangwa lenye theluji karibu na mahali ambapo mtu huyo mshenzi alionekana. Wagundua msitu wa mvua wa kitropiki ndani ya pango kubwa sana lililofichika chini ya barafu. Mara waingiapo, washambuliwa na pterodactyl, wanyama wengine wa kabla ya historia, na pia na Watu wa Vinamasi—kabila la wawindaji wenye uwezo unaozidi ule wa wanadamu ambao hupanda mgongoni mwa wanyama wakubwa wanaofanana na ndege. 

Recently, a scientist was reported to have been rescued by a wild man in Antarctica, Cyclops takes charge as leader to set out on a mission to Antarctica to investigate if this jungle man is a mutant. Once in Antarctica, the X-Men go further into the snowy wastelands near where the wild man was spotted. They discover a tropical rain forest in a gigantic cave hidden deep below the ice. Upon entering, they are attacked by pterodactyls, other prehistoric animals, and also by the Swamp Men—a tribe of superior hunters who ride on the backs of giant avian beasts. 

Malaika na Msichana Ajabu pia watekwa na hao washenzi, wanaokusudia kuwatoa dhabihu kwa tyrannosaurus. Ili kuwaokoa wanatimu wao waliotekwa, Watu-X wengine waungana na Ka-Zar—mtu wa mwituni, ambaye walikuwa wakimtafuta, na mwenzake Zabu—chui mwenye meno ya kitara. Baada ya pigano fupi dhidi ya Maa-Gor—mtu sokwe, Watu-X na Ka-Zar waenda kijiji cha Watu wa Vinamasi. Kabla tu Malaika na Jean hawajatolewa dhabihu, Ka-Zar aita kundi la mastodoni lisaidie kushinda maadui zake. Mwishoni, Watu-X waondoka, na Ka-Zar aziba kabisa mwingilio uliofichika ambao uliotokea juu ya ardhi.

Both Angel and Marvel Girl are captured by these savages, who intend to sacrifice them to a tyrannosaurus. In order to rescue their captured teammates, the other X-Men ally themselves with Ka-Zar—the jungle man, whom they were seeking, and his companion Zabu—a sabretoothed tiger. After a brief battle against Maa-Gor—the ape man, the X-Men and Ka-Zar go to the Swamp Men's village. Just before Angel and Jean can be sacrificed, Ka-Zar calls a herd of mastodons to come help them defeat their enemies. In the end, the X-Men leave and Ka-Zar permanently seals off the secret entrance that lets out above ground.

Monday, March 5, 2018

kuteleza mawimbini

mchezo wa kuteleza mawimbini (surfing; lit. the game of slipping on waves)
kuteleza mawimbini (to surf)
mtelezaji mawimbini (surfer)
ubao wa kuteleza mawimbini (surfboard)

Mchezo wa kuteleza mawimbini ni mchezo wa maji ambapo mtu hupanda wambini—mtu huyo anayejulikana kama "mtelezaji mawimbini"—na hutumia ubao wa kutuleza mawimbini kupanda uso wa mbele ya mawimbi ambayo wakati mwingi humbeba mtelezaji mawimbini hadi ufuoni.

Surfing is a water sport in which a person rides waves—this person is known as a "surfer"—and uses a surfboard to ride on the forward face of a wave, which most often carries the surfer towards the shore.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

barakoa ya kutia weko

barakoa ya kutia weko (welding mask)
kimeta (spark)
mtia-weko (welder)
kutia weko (to weld)

Barakoa ya kutia weko hutumiwa ili kukinga uso wa mtia-weko kutokana na mng'aro na vimeta vinavyotokana na kutia weko.

A welding mask is used to protect a welder's face from brightness and sparks resulting from welding.

Watu-X #9 (The X-Men #9)

Walipiza-Kisasi na Lusiferi (The Avengers and Lucifer)

Watu-X wamfuata Profesa X kwenda Ulaya ambako anamtafuta Lusiferi, adui wa zamani, aliyemlemaza miaka mingi iliyopita. Lusiferi amfunulia Profesa, kwamba ametumia miaka kumi kuunda bomu la joto lililounganishwa na mpigo wa moyo wake. Kama angeuliwa au angedhuriwa kwa namna yoyote, bomu lingelipuka na kusababisha madhara ya ulimwenguni pote. Kwa nasibu, Walipiza-Kisasi pia wafika kuchunguza mitetemo ya kigeni yanayotoka katika bomu la Lusiferi ambayo yaligunduliwa na nyundo ya Thor, iitwayo Mjølnir. Hata hivyo, Watu-X walazimishwa kupigana nao ili kuwazuia wasimshambulie adui yao. Kwa bahati nzuri, wakati ambapo Lusiferi anakengeushwa na mapigano kati ya timu mbili za mashujaa, Profesa X kwa telepathia alimpiga adui yake mpaka akazimia bila kubadili mpigo wa moyo wake. Baada ya kueleza yote kwa Walipiza-Kisasi, Watu-X waharakisha kwenda ficho la Lusiferi, ambamo Saiklopsi na Profesa wafaulu kutegua bomu hilo. Na hatimaye, Profesa X amwamsha Lusiferi, na Watu-X waamua kumwacha nyuma pangoni mwake na halafu warudi jumba lao.

The X-Men follow Professor X to Europe where he is tracking down Lucifer, an old enemy, who is crippled him years ago. Lucifer reveals to the Professor, that he has spent the last 10 years building a thermal detonator that is attached to his heartbeat. If he is killed or harmed in any way, it will blow up, causing worldwide damage. Coincidentally, the Avengers also arrive to investigate the strange vibrations emanating from Lucifer's bomb that were detected by Thor's hammer, Mjølnir. However, the X-Men are forced to fight them in order to prevent them from attacking their mutual enemy. Luckily, while Lucifer is distracted by the battle between the two teams of heroes, Professor X telepathically knocks his foe unconscious without changing his heartbeat. After explaining everything to the Avengers, the X-Men hurry to Lucifer's hidden cave, where Cyclops and the Professor manage to diffuse the bomb. Professor X ultimately wakes Lucifer up, and the X-Men ultimately decide to leave him behind in his cave and then return to the mansion.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

kifuniko cha oksijeni

kifuniko cha oksijeni (oxygen mask)
ya miinuko ya juu (high-altitude)

Kifuniko cha oksijeni huvaliwa na marubani wa miinuko ya juu, au hutumika katika utabibu wa kutoa oksijeni au nusukaputi.

An oxygen mask is worn by high-altitude pilots, or used in medicine to deliver oxygen or anaesthetic.

Friday, March 2, 2018

vifaa vya kuzuia gesi ya sumu

kifaa cha kuzuia gesi ya sumu (lit. object for preventing poisonous gas)
kinyago cha kujikinga gesi (lit. mask for protecting oneself from gas)
chombo cha kuzuia gesi (lit. vessel for preventing gas)
helmeti ya kuzuia gesi (lit. helmet for preventing gas)
kofia ya kuzuia gesi (lit. hat for preventing gas)
kichuja-hewa (lit. air-filterer)
Note: There is no particularly great one-to-one translation for this apparatus. All of the above describe it well enough. 

Kifuniko cha kuzuia gesi ni kifaa kinachozuia vichafuzi vinavyosambazwa kupitia hewa na nyenzo za sumu zisipumuliwe.

A gas mask is an apparatus that prevents airborne pollutants and toxic materials from being breathed in.

kichafuzi (pollutant)
nyenzo (material)
kupumuliwa (to be breathed in)

inayosambazwa kupitia hewa (airborne; lit. spread through air) 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Watu-X #8 (The X-Men #8)

Unus Asiyegusika (Unus, the Untouchable)

Hayawani awaacha Watu-X kwa muda mfupi kwa kuwa amechoshwa na kuwalinda wanadamu wanaoogopa na wanaochukia kila mtu mwenye jeni-X. Unus, mgombea mwingine wa kuwa mwanachama wa Undugu wa Vioja Viovu, atembelewa na Bwana Akili. Inabidi ajithibitishe kwa kuwaletea angalau mmojawapo wa Watu-X. Hata hivyo, Unus adanganywa na Hayawani, aliyekuza nguvu zake kwa kutumia mwale wa amplifaya. Mwanzoni, Unus ajifurahisha kwa nguvu zake zilizokuzwa, lakini kisha atambua kwamba hawezi kuzidhibiti. Basi, Watu-X wajitolea kusaidia kuondoa matokeo ya amplifaya hiyo, kwa sharti tu kwamba Unus akatae ombi la kujiunga na Undugu.

The Beast leaves the X-Men briefly since he is fed up with defending the humans who fear and who hate every mutant. Unus, the next candidate for membership in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, is visited by Mastermind. He has to prove himself by bringing in at least one X-Man. However, Unus is tricked by the Beast, who amplifies his powers with an amplifier beam. At first Unus welcomes his increased powers, but then he discovers that he is unable to control them. So, the X-Men offer to help reverse the effects of the amplifier, only on the condition that he turn down the Brotherhood's offer to join them.


mlinda-lango; golikipa; mshika-lango (goalkeeper; goalie)

Walinda-lango (Golikipa; Washika-lango) huvaa aina ya barakoa ya kukinga inayotengenezwa kwa kioo nyuzi wanapocheza hoki ya barafuni ili kuepukana na kupata jeraha.

Goalies wear a type of protective mask made of fiberglass when playing ice hockey to avoid injury.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

kifuniko chenye barakoa

kifuniko chenye barakoa (masked cowl)
sura ya siri (secret identity)

Mtu-Popo huvaa aina ya kifuniko chenye barakoa ambacho hufunika sio tu juu ya kichwa chake, lakini pia macho yake kuficha sura yake ya siri.

Batman wears a type of cowl that covers not only the top of his head, but also his eyes to conceal his secret identity.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


kinyago (carved mask)

Vinyago vya kikabila kwa kawaida huchongwa kwa mbao ili vifanane na wanyama na virembeshwe kwa mrija na manyoya. 

Tribal masks are usually carved out of wood to resemble animals and decorated with straw and feathers.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Watu-X #7 (X-Men #7)

Bonge na Undugu wa Vioja Viovu (Blob and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants)

Profesa X awaacha Watu-X ili kushughulikia na baadhi ya kazi muhimu na aweka rasmi Saiklopsi kuwa kiongozi wakati ambapo hakuwepo. Magneto ampata Bonge kwenye kanivali na baada ya vizuizi vya akilini mwake, vilivyowekwa humo na Profesa X, kubomolewa, Bonge akumbuka mkutano wake na Watu-X. Akitaka kulipiza kisasi, Bonge ajiunga na Undugu wa Magneto. Kwa wakati huu, wahitimu wengine wa Watu-X wanasherehekea mjini, wakati Scott apokeapo ilani kutoka kwa Cerebro kwamba Bonge amerudi. Katika pigano ifuatayo na Watu-X, Bonge atambua kwamba Magneto aona kwamba yeye na wanachama wengine wa timu yake wanaweza kutolewa mhanga. Kwa kweli, ingawa Bonge amesimama katikati ya uwanja wa mapigano, Magneto aendelea kurusha makombora kwenye Watu-X, wakati walipokuwa wamekusanyika katika mahali pamoja. Kwa bahati nzuri, unene wa Bonge uliwalinda Watu-X kutokana na mlipuko huo. Mara tu Magneto na Undugu wakimbiapo, Bonge aamua kurudi kwenye maisha yake ya zamani katika maonyesho ya vioja ya sarakasi.

Professor X leaves the X-Men to deal with some important tasks and appoints Cyclops as leader during his absence. Magneto finds the Blob at the carnival and after his mental blocks, placed in there by Professor X, break down, the Blob remembers his meeting with the X-Men. Wanting revenge, Blob joins Magnet's Brotherhood. In the meantime, the other X-Men graduates are celebrating in town, when Scott receives an alert from Cerebro that the Blob has returned. In the following battle with the X-Men, the Blob realizes that Magneto considers him and his fellow team members expendable. In fact, even though the Blob is standing in the line of fire, Magneto proceeds to fire missiles on the X-Men, while they are gathered together in one place. Fortunately, Blob's corpulence shielded the X-Men from the explosion. Once Magneto and the Brotherhood flee, Blob decides to return to his former life in the circus freakshow.


barakoa (mask)

Barakoa ni kifaa kinachovaliwa usoni hasa kuficha uso au kuburudisha. Lakini, barakoa za spoti huvaliwa kukinga uso. Ninja huvaa barakoa ambayo hufunika mdomo, mashavu na pua yao.

A mask is an object worn on the face especially for disguise or entertainment. But, sports masks are worn to protect the face. Ninjas wear a mask that covers their mouth, cheeks and nose.

Imperative of you; ye (Learn Swahili)

Fanyeni !Mfanye !do !Msifanye !don't do !
Fungeni !Mfunge !close !Msifunge !don't close !
Fungueni !Mfungue !open !Msifungue !don't open !
Kamateni !Mkamate !catch !Msikamate !don't catch !
Ngojeni !Mngoje !wait !Msingoje !don't wait !
Safisheni !Msafishe !clean !Msisafishe !don't clean !
Sikieni !Msikie !hear !Msisikie !don't hear !
Someni !Msome !read !Msisome !don't read !
Pikeni !Mpike !cook !Msipike !don't cook !
Fuateni !Mfuate !follow !Msifuate !don't follow !
Pigeni !Mpike !hit !Msipige !don't hit !
Wekeni !Mweke !put !Msiweke!don't put !
Leteni !Mlete !bring !Msilete !don't bring !

verbs of Arabic origin
Jaribuni !Mjaribu !try !Msijaribu !don't try !
Rudini !Mrudi !come back !Msirudi !don't come back !
Sameheni !Msamehe !forgive !Msisamehe !don't forgive !
Haribuni !Msiharibu !destroy !Msiharibu !don't destroy !
Jibuni !Msijibu !answer !Msijibu !don't answer !

monosyllabic verbs
Kuleni !Mle !eat !Msile !don't eat !
Kunyweni !Mnywe !drink !Msinywe !don't drink !
Njooni !Mje !come !Msije !don't come !
Nendeni !Mwende !go !Msiende !don't go !