Thursday, November 29, 2012

Watu-X #2 (The X-Men #2)

Watu-X dhidi ya Mtowekaji (The X-Men versus the Vanisher)
Hakuna awezaye kumshika Mtowekaji (No one can hold the Vanisher)

Mtowekaji, mwovu mwenye jeni-X aliye na uwezo wa kujihamisha kutoka mahali pamoja kwenda pengine papo hapo, aliibia benki ya taifa na kusaliti Pembetano (makao makuu ya jeshi la Marekani). Watu-X wampinga yeye alipokuwa akiibia ramani za ulinzi wa serikali. Hata hivyo, hawakuweza kupigana na mhalifu huyo, kwa sababu akajihamisha nje ya masafa. Profesa X aliwaokoa kwa kumzuia Mtowekaji asitumie uwezo wake wa pekee kwa kutumia akili yake tu.

The Vanisher, an evil mutant with the power of teleportation (to transport himself from one place to another in an instant), robbed the national bank and blackmailed the Pentagon (the main headquarters of the American army). The X-Men face him, as he was stealing the government's defense plans. However, they were unable to fight this villain, because he teleported out of range. Professor X saved them by preventing the Vanisher from using his mutant powers with only his mind.

Watu-X #1 (The X-Men #1)

Watu-X dhidi ya Magneto (The X-Men versus Magneto)

Katika shule maalum ya binafsi katika wilaya ya Westchester, Profesa Charles Xavier afundisha jamii maalum ya vijana wanne wa kiume, kila mtu mwenye uwezo utokanao na jeni-X. Baada ya kuwaangalia kwa makini wakifanya mazoezi yao, Xavier aliwaambia wanafunzi wake: Malaika, Mtu wa Barafu, Hayawani na Saiklopsi, kwamba mwanafunzi wa tano atafika leo. 

In a special private school in Westchester county, Professor Charles Xavier teaches a special class of young men, each one with a mutant power. After carefully watching them do their exercises, Xavier told his students: Angel, Iceman, Beast and Cyclops, that the fifth student will arrive today.

Kwa furaha yao, vijana wanne waona kwamba mwanafunzi mpya ni msichana mrembo sana mwenye nywele nyekundu. Jina lake ni Jean Grey na akakaribishwa vizuri kwenye jumba lao la ghorofa. Vijana wanne wakashangaa kwa urembo wake. Jean alipowaonyesha uwezo wake wa kusongeza vifaa kwa akili yake (uwezo unaojulikana kama telekinesisi), Profesa X, aliye pia na nguvu za pekee mwenyewe, alimwambia yeye kuhusu nia halisi ya shule yake. 

To their delight, the four young men see that the new student is a very beautiful redheaded girl. Her name is Jean Grey and was then welcomed into their mansion. The four young men were amazed by her beauty. After Jean showed them her power to move objects with her mind (a power known as telekinesis), Professor X, who also has special powers himself, told her about the real purpose of his school. 

Kwanza, shule hiyo ni mahali pa usalama kwa watu wote wenye jeni-X, kwa sababu ubinadamu bado hauko tayari kukubali watu wenye uwezo wa ajabu kama wao; hata hivyo, shule hiyo pia hufanya kazi kama uwanja wa mazoezi ili kuwatayarisha wanafunzi wake wanaojulikana kama Watu-X kwa vita vijavyo dhidi ya waovu wenye jeni-X wanaojiangalia kuwa na cheo cha juu zaidi kuliko cha binadamu wa kawaida na wanataka kuwatawala. 

First of all, the school is a safe haven for all mutants, because humanity is not yet ready to accept people with superpowers like theirs; however, this school also serves as a training field in order to prepare his students who are known as the X-Men for future battles against evil mutants who view themselves as having a higher rank than that of regular humans and want to rule them.

Siku inayofuata mwenye jeni-X mmoja kama hao kwa jina la Magneto alikishambulia kituo cha makombora “Rasi ya Ngome”, na alikijitwalia. Xavier akawatuma Watu-X wamsimamishe. Kwa sababu ya ngao za kisumaku zilizoumbwa na Magneto, jeshi halikuweza kuingia ndani kituo. Magneto hakuweko tayari kupigana na watu wengine wenye jeni-X, kwa hivyo vijana watano wa Watu-X walifaulu na wakashinda mashambulio yote ya Magneto kwa kazi ya kikoa. Ingawa Magneto alitoroka, jeshi liliwashukuru Watu-X. Mwishowe Profesa X aliwahongeza wanafunzi wake kwa ushindi wao wa kwanza.

The following day a mutant like that by the name of Magneto attacked the "Cape Citadel" missile base, and he seized it for himself. Xavier sent the X-Men to stop him. Because of the magnetic shield created by Magneto, the army was unable to get into the base. Magneto was not ready to fight other mutants, so the five young X-Men succeeded and defeated all of Magneto's attacks with teamwork. Although Magneto escaped, the army thanked the X-Men. In the end, Professor X congratulated his students on their first victory.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mshenzi (Feral)

Mshenzi (Feral)

Mshenzi ni mhusika wa bunilizi anayetokea katika Ulimwengu wa Marvel. Yeye amekuwa shujaa na pia mhalifu na pia anajulikana kama mwanachama wa Nguvu-X. Mshenzi alipojaribu kutoroka kutoka mtawala dhalimu wa Morloki aitwaye Maskhara, akaokolewa na Kebo kutoka kwa Maskhara, na akajiunga na timu ya Kebo ili kuwa mwanachama wa Nguvu-X .  Yeye ni mpiganaji mkatili kutokana na matayarisho yake pamoja na Kebo. Yeye ana mutesheni ya paka iliyompa kucha na chonge kali, hisia kali za ajabu, uwezo wa kuona kwenye giza, nguvu iliyozidishwa, uwezo wa kujiponya haraka, mkia na manyoya ya machungwa yanayofunika mwili wake.
Feral is a fictional character appearing in the Marvel Universe. She has been both a hero and a villain and is also known as a member of X-Force. When Feral tried to escape from the tyrannical ruler of Morlocks named Masque, she was saved by Cable and then joined Cable's team in order to become a member of X-Force. She is a fierce fighter due to her training with Cable. She has a feline mutation that gave her sharp claws and fangs, superhumanly acute senses, the ability to see in the dark, enhanced strength, the ability to heal quickly, a tail and orange fur covering her body.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Baharia Zebaki (Sailor Mercury)

Baharia Zebaki (Sailor Mercury)

Baharia Zebaki alikuwa Skauti-Baharia wa kwanza aliyejiunga na Baharia Mwezi katika mapigano dhidi ya Ufalme wa Giza. Yeye huwa mfanya-mikakati wa Baharia-Askari wa Ndani na hutumia tarakilishi ya mikono kama skana na kichanganua-data. Rangi anayoipenda zaidi ni samawati. Hupenda kusoma, kucheza sataranji na kuogelea. Vyakula anavyovipenda zaidi ni sandwichi na anmitsu (jeli iliyotengenezwa kwa mwani mwekundu na maharagwe ya azuki). Chakula asichokipenda ni bangala mkia-manjano.
Sailor Mercury was the first Sailor Scout to join Sailor Moon in the fight against the Dark Kingdom. She is the strategist of the Inner Sailor Soldiers and uses a hand-held computer as a scanner and data analyzer. Her favorite color is sky-blue. She likes to read, play chess and swim. Her favorite foods are sandwiches and anmitsu (a jelly made from red algae and azuki beans). Her least favorite food is yellowtail.


Viputo vya Zebaki (Mercury Bubbles)

Shambulio lake la kwanza linaitwa “Viputo vya Zebaki!” (kwa Kiingereza: Mercury Bubbles Blast!; Kijapani: Bubble Spray!). Shambulio hili hutengeneza ukungu ambao humpofusha adui.
Her first attack is called "Mercury Bubbles!" (in English: Mercury Bubbles Blast!; Japanese: Bubble Spray!). This attack produces fog that blinds the enemy.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wolverini (Wolverine)

Wolverini (Wolverine)

Wolverini (jina halisi: James Howlett; pia anajulikana kama Logan) ni mhusika wa bunilizi, shujaa wa ajabu anayetokea katika vitabu vya komiki vilivyochapishwa na Marvel Comics. Wolverini ni mwenye jeni-X ambaye humiliki hisia kali za kinyama, nguvu ya kimaumbile iliyozidishwa, kucha tatu za mfupa, kipengele cha kujiponya ambacho humwezesha kupona haraka zaidi kuliko binadamu wa kawaida. Kipengele chake cha kujiponya chenye nguvu kiliiwezesha shirika iitwayo Silaha-X kugundisha kiunzi chake cha mifupa kwa adamantiamu, aloi ya metali isiyoharibika, bila kumwua. Mara nyingi yeye huchorwa kama mwanachama wa Watu-X, Kundi Alfa au baadaye wa Walipiza-kisasi.

Wolverine (real name: James Howlett; also known as Logan) is a fictional character, a superhero appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Wolverine is a mutant who possess keen animalistic senses, enhanced physical power, three bone claws, a healing factor which enables him to recover faster than an average human. His powerful healing factor enabled the organization called Weapon-X to bond to his skeleton adamantium, an indestructible metal alloy, without killing him. He often is depicted as a member of the X-Men, Alpha Flight or later of the Avengers.

kumiliki = to possess
mwenye jeni-X = mutant
hisia kali = keen senses
iliyozidishwa = enhanced
ya kimaumbile = physical
kucha za mfupa = bone claws
kipengele cha kujiponya = healing factor
kipengele cha kuongoa uponyaji = regenerative healing factor
yenye nguvu = powerful
kuwezesha = to enable
kupona = to recover
adamanti = adamantium
isiyoharibika = indestructible

Saiklopsi (Cyclops)

Saiklopsi (Cyclops)

Saiklopsi (Jina halisi: Scott Summers) ni mhusika wa bunilizi ambaye hutokea katika vitabu vya komiki vilivyochapishwa na Marvel Comics. Mara nyingi huwa kiongozi mkuu wa Watu-X. Yeye huvaa miwani yenye kioo kimoja kilichotengezwa kwa kwatsi ya rubi. Ndiyo maana alipewa jina la siri la “Saiklopsi”. Akiwa mwenye jeni-X, Saiklopsi ana uwezo wa kuvurumisha vilipuzi vya nishati kutoka kwa macho yake vilivyoelezwa kama “vilipuzi vya macho”. Vilipuzi hivi vinaonekana kama nuru nyekundu (yaani mnururisho wa kisumaku-umeme katika masafa ya mawimbi mekundu); hata hivyo, havitoi joto. Vilipuzi hivi vina nguvu sana na huweza kutumika kupasua sahani za feleji na kuponda miamba kuwa vumbi.

Cyclops (Real name: Scott Summers) is a fictional character who appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is often the main leader of the X-Men. He wears glasses with one lens made from ruby quartz. This is why he was given the code name of "Cyclops". Being a mutant, Cyclops has the ability to shoot energy blasts from his eyes described as "optic blasts". These blasts resemble red light (i.e. electromagnetic radiation in red wavelengths); however, they do not give off heat. These blasts are very powerful and can be used to rupture steel plates and crush rocks into dust.

kuchapishwa = to be published
kiongozi = leader
-kuu = main
miwani = glasses
kutengezwa kwa = to be made of
kwatsi ya rubi = ruby quartz
kilipuzi cha jicho = optic blast
nuru = light
mnururisho = radiation
-a kisumaku-umeme = electromagnetic
kutoa = to give off/out
joto = heat
kupasua = to rupture
feleji = steel
kuponda kuwa vumbi = to pulverize

Friday, October 26, 2012

Misuli (Muscles)

Msuli / Musuli (Muscle)
Misuli (Muscles)
Misuli mishazari Obliques (Oblique muscles)
Misuli ya bega Deltoids
Misuli ya fumbatio Abs (Abdominal muscles)
Misuli ya kifua Pecs (Pectoral muscles)
Misuli ya matako Glutes (Gluteus maximus)
Misuli ya mgongo wa juu Upper back muscles (Latissimus dorsi)
Msuli kati ya mbavu Intercostal muscle
Msuli wa ukosi Traps (Trapezius)
Musuli wa paja Quadriceps
Shavu la chini ya mkono Triceps
Shavu la mguu Calf muscle
Shavu la mkono Biceps
Ukano wa kisigino Achilles tendon
Ukano wa mvungu wa goti Hamstring

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Silfidi (Sylphs)

Silfidi (Sylph / Sylphs)

Silfidi ni kiumbe cha nguvu za asili chenye mabawa kinachoaminiwa kuishi hewani. Kwa kawaida silfidi hawaonekani na hupanda mikondo ya hewa. Pia huwa na uwezo kuumba mawingu kwa mabawa yao.
A sylph is a winged elemental creature that is believed to inhabit the air. Sylphs are generally invisible and ride on air currents. They also have the ability to create clouds with their wings.
bawa (wing)
kuonekana (to be visible)
kupanda (to ride)
mkondo wa hewa (air current)
kuumba (to create)
wingu (cloud)

Vinyamkela (Tree spirits)

Kinyamkela (Tree spirit)
Vinyamkela (Tree spirits)
Driadi (Dryad / Dryads)
Hamadriadi (Hamadryad / Hamadryads)

Katika hadithi za jadi za Kiswahili, vinyamkela ni vizimwi vibaya vinavyoaminiwa kuishi katika mibuyu na miti mingine mikubwa. Hata hivyo, katika mitholojia ya Kigiriki vinyamkela ni nimfi ambao pia huitwa “driadi”. Vinyamkela hivi huwa warembo sana na watulivu. Kuna aina zingine za driadi waitwao “hamadriadi”. Hamadriadi wazaliwa wakiwa na kifungo kwa mti wa pekee. Iwapo mti ukifa, hamadriadi aliyehusishwa nao atafa vilevile. Kwa sababu hiyo, driadi na miungu huadhibu binadamu yeyote anayedhuru miti.
In Swahili folk-tales, tree spirits are evil sprites that are believed to live in baobab trees and other large trees. However, in Greek mythology tree spirits are nymphs who are also called "dryads". These tree spirits are very beautiful and peaceful. There are other types of dryads called "hamadryads". Hamadryads are born with a bond to a particular tree. If the tree dies, the hamadryad associated with it will die as well. For that reason, dryads and gods punish any mortal who harms trees.
mbuyu (baobab tree)
kifungo (bond)
kudhuru (to harm)

Vitunusi (Nixies)

Kitunusi (Nixie)
Vitunusi (Nixies)

Vitunusi ni vizimwi vya maji vinavyobadilisha umbo ambavyo kwa kawaida hutokea kuwa na umbo la binadamu. Kitunusi kimetokea katika visasili na hekaya mbalimbali za duniani kote. Kitunusi cha Kiingereza ni aina ya joka wa bahari. Kitunusi cha Kijerumani kina mwili wa chini wa samaki, kama wa nguva. Kitunusi cha Kiskandinavia huwa kizimwi cha maji cha kiume ambacho hucheza nyimbo zilizorogwa kwa fidla na kushawishi wanawake na watoto wazame katika maziwa au vijito. Vitunusi vya Kiswahili hutafuta damu ya binadamu na baada ya kunyonya damu kutoka kwa waathiriwa wao, huwazamisha katika majini. Viumbe hivi wanafanana na sireni wa mitholojia ya Kigiriki.
Nixies are shape-shifting water sprites that usually appear having the shape of a human. The nixie has appeared in various myths and legends around the world. The English nixie is a type of sea serpent. The German nixie has the lower body of a fish, like that of a mermaid. The Scandinavian nixie is a male water sprite that plays enchanted songs on the violin to lure women and children to drown in lakes and streams. Swahili nixies seek human blood and after draining the blood from their victims, they drown them in the water. These creatures resemble the sirens of Greek mythology. 
kisasili (myth)
joka wa bahari (sea serpent)
samaki (fish)
iliyorogwa (enchanted)
fidla (violin)
kushawishi (to lure; to tempt)
kuzama (to sink)

Brauni (Brownie)

Brauni (Brownie / Brownies)

Katika hadithi za jadi za Kiskoti, vizimwi vya kaya huitwa brauni. Ni sawa na tomte  wa Kiskandinavia, domovoi wa Kislaviki na heinzelmanekini wa Kijerumani. Brauni husemekana kuishi ndani ya nyumba na husaidia kazi za nyumbani. Hata hivyo, hawapendi kuonekana na hivyo hufanya kazi tu usiku, kwa kidesturi kubadilishana na zawadi ndogo au chakula. Kati ya vyakula wanavyopenda ni uji na asali. Watatoka kwa nyumba iwapo zawadi zao zikiitwa malipo; au kama wenye nyumba wakiwatumia vibaya. Brauni hutengeneza nyumba zao kwenye sehemu za nyumba zisizotumika. Neno “brauni” halifai kukanganywa na keki ndogo ya chokoleti inayojulikana kwa jina hilo.
In Scottish folk-tales, household sprites are called brownies. It is the same as the Scandinavian tomte, the Slavic domovoy and the German heinzelmännchen. Brownies are said to inhabit houses and help with housework. However, they do not like to be seen and thus work only at night, traditionally in exchange for small gifts or food. Porridge and honey are among the foods that they like. They will abandon the house when their gifts are called payments; or if the owners of the home misuse them. Brownies make their homes in unused parts of the house. The word "brownie" should not be confused with the little chocolate cake known by the same name.
hadithi ya jadi (folk-tale)
kuwa sawa na (to be the same as)
zawadi (gift)
uji (porridge)
asali (honey)
isiyotumika (unused)
kufaa (to be suitable)
kukanganywa (to be confused)

Hobu (Hobs)

Hobu (Hob / Hobs)

Hobu ni aina ya kizimwi cha kaya kidogo wa kihekaya kinachopatikana Kaskazini na Wilaya za Kati za Uingereza, lakini hasa katika mpaka wa Uingereza na Uskoti, kulingana na mila za jadi za kidesturi za maeneo hiyo. Wanaweza kuishi ndani au nje ya nyumba. Wanasemekana kuwa wao hufanya kazi kwenye mashamba na hivyo wanaweza kuwa na manufaa; hata hivyo, wakiudhiwa wanaweza kuwa wasumbufu. Njia ya kawaida ya kuondoa hobu ni kuwapa nguo mpya; wanapopokea nguo hizi, viumbe hivi hutokomea kabisa. Hata hivyo, inaweza kuwa ngumu zaidi kuwaondoa hobu wabaya zaidi.
A hob is a type of small legendary household sprite found in the North and Midlands of England, but especially on the border of England and Scotland, according to traditional folklore of those regions. They can live inside or outside the home. They are said that they work on farms and thus can be useful; however, if offended they can become nuisances. The usual way to get rid of a hob is to give them new clothes; when they receive these clothes, these creatures will disappear for good. However, it can be more difficult to get rid of the worst hobs.
kupatikana (to be found)
Wilaya za Kati (the Midlands)
mpaka (border)
mila za jadi (folklore; folk customs)
mashamba (farms)
kuwa na manufaa (to be useful)
kuudhiwa (to be offended)
kutokomea (to disappear)

Vizimwi vya kaya (Household sprites)

Kizimwi cha kaya (Household sprite)
Vizimwi vya kaya (Household sprites)

Vizimwi vya kaya ni viumbe vya kichawi ambavyo huishi nyumbani na kwa kawaida husaidia kwa kazi za nyumbani usiku wakati wenye nyumba wanalala. Kama mazimwi, vizimwi vya kaya huitwa kwa jina tofauti tofauti, kama vile: hobu, brauni, domovoi na tomte.
Household sprites are magical creatures that inhabit homes, and usually aid with housework at night when the owners of the house sleep. Like goblins, household sprites are called by many different names, such as: hob, brownie, domovoy and tomte.
kusaidia (to help)
kuitwa (to be called)
tofauti (different)

Leprekoni (Leprechauns)

Leprekoni (Leprechaun / Leprechauns)

Leprekoni ni aina ya kizimwi cha Kiayalandi ambacho huishi mwisho wa upinde wa mvua na hulinda chungu cha dhahabu. Iwapo atanaswa na binadamu, leprekoni huwa na uwezo wa kichawi wa kutoa matakwa matatu kubadilishana na uhuru wao. Leprekoni huwa na nywele nyekundu, huvaa kijani na urefu wao hauzidi wa watoto.
A leprechaun is a type of Irish sprite that lives at the end of the rainbow and guards a pot of gold. If ever captured by a human, leprechauns have the magical power to grant three wishes in exchange for their freedom. Leprechauns have red hair, wear green and their height does not exceed that of children.
-a Kiayalandi (Irish)
upinde wa mvua (rainbow)
kulinda (to guard)
chungu (pot)
kunaswa (to be captured)
kutoa matakwa (to grant wishes)
kubadilishana na (in exchange for)
kuzidi (to exceed)

Gremlini (Gremlins)

Gremlini (Gremlin / Gremlins)

Gremlini ni viumbe vya ubunifu ambavyo hupenda kuharibu au kutenganisha vyombo vya mashine, hasa katika eropleni.
Gremlins are imaginary creatures that like to destroy and dismantle machinery, especially in airplanes.
ubunifu (imagination)
-a ubunifu (imaginary)
kuharibu (to destroy)
kutenganisha (to dismantle)
vyombo vya mashine (machinery)
hasa (especially)
eropleni (airplane)

Vizimwi (Sprites)

Kizimwi (Sprite)
Vizimwi (Sprites)

Kizimwi ni istilahi pana inayorejelea viumbe kadha vya kihekaya visivyo vya dunia hii vinavyofanana na vibwengo. Kwa kawaida vinadhaniwa kuhusishwa na nguvu za asili za mazingira, kama vile: ardhi, moto, hewa na maji. Imani kwa viumbe vidogo, kama vile: vizimwi, mapepo wa miti, vibwengo, vichimbakazi, piksi, nomu na aina nyingine za vichimbakazi imekuwa jambo la kawaida katika sehemu nyingi za dunia.
The sprite is a broad term referring to several legendary supernatural elf-like creatures. Usually they are believed to be associated with the elements of nature, such as: earth, fire, air and water. The belief in small beings, such as: sprites, tree spirits, elves, fairies, pixies, gnomes and other types of faires has been a common subject in many parts of the world.
istilahi (term)
kadha (several)
kuhusishwa na (to be associated with)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Nimfi (Nymphs)

Nimfi (Nymph / Nymphs)

Nimfi katika mitholojia ya Kigiriki ni mungu mdogo wa kike wa mazingira mwenye kufanana na hurulaini ambao huishi peponi katika desturi za Kiislamu. Hitilafiana na miungu, nimfi kwa kawaida huchukuliwa kama mapepo ya kimungu ambayo hupa uhai mazingira na kwa kawaida huchorwa kama wanawali warembo ambao hupenda kuimba na kucheza dansi. Wanaaminika kuishi katika milima na vijisitu karibu na chemchemi na mito, na pia kwenye miti na mabonde na groto zenye baridi. Ingawa kwa kawaida hawafi kwa uzee wala ugonjwa, kama wakipandana na mungu, wataweza kuzaa watoto wasiokufa kamili;  hata hivyo, nimfi wenyewe waweza kufa. Kuna aina tano ya nimfi: nimfi wa mbingu, wa bahari, wa ardhi, wa msitu na wa jehanamu.
A nymph in Greek mythology is a minor female deity of nature similar to the houri who live in paradise in Islamic traditions. In contrast to gods, nymphs are generally regarded as divine spirits who animate nature and are usually depicted as beautiful maidens who love to sing and dance. They are believed to live in mountains and groves by springs and rivers, and also in trees and valleys and cold grottoes. Although they generally do not die of old age nor illness, if they mate with a god, they can give birth to fully immortal children; however, nymphs themselves are able to die. There are five types of nymphs: celestial, sea, land, wood and underworld nymphs.

mazingira (nature; environment)
-a kimungu (divine)
kupa uhai (to animate)
mwanamwali (maiden)
kijana (young; youthful)
kucheza dansi (to dance)
kijisitu (grove)
chemchemi (spring)
bonde (valley)
groto (grotto)
-enye baridi (cold)
ingawa (although)
kupandana na (to mate with)
asiyekufa (an immortal)

Vizuu (Zombies)

Kizuu (Zombie)
Vizuu (Zombies)

Katika dini ya Vuudu ya Kihaiti, kizuu ni maiti hai iliyofufuliwa kutoka kwa wafu, lakini ni kimya na bila hiari kwa njia ya kimiujiza, kama vile uchawi kwa nia fulani ovu. Istilahi hii mara nyingi hutumiwa kitamathali kueleza mtu ambaye amepumbazwa kwa hiponozi na aliyeondolewa fahamu na kujitambua , licha ya kuwa mwenye nguvu ya kutembea na mwenye uwezo wa kuitikia vichangamsho vinavyomzunguka. Vizuu vinadhaniwa kula mabongo ya binadamu, na mara nyingi huwa waathiriwa wa maradhi ya kibunilizi yaliyoenea nchi nzima ambayo huwasababisha wafu kufufuka kwa kawaida baada ya kuharibika kwa ustaarabu.
In the Haitian Voodoo religion, a zombie is an animated corpse resurrected from the dead, but is mute and will-less by mystical means, such as witchcraft for some evil purpose. This term is often used figuratively to describe a person who has been hypnotized and bereft of consciousness and self-awareness, despite having the strength to walk and having the ability to respond to surrounding stimuli. Zombies are believed to eat human brains, and often are victims of a fictional disease that has spread out in the whole country which causes the dead to reanimate usually after a breakdown of civilization.

dini (religion)
vuudu (voodoo)
kufufuliwa (to be resurrected)
kimya (quiet)
hiari (will)
-a kimiujiza (mystical)
kitamathali (figuratively)
kichangamsho (stimulus)
kupumbazwa kwa hiponozi (to be hypnotized)
kujitambua (self-awareness)
maradhi (disease)
iliyoenea nchi nzima (pandemic; lit. that spread out in the whole country)
ustaarabu (civilization)

Mapandikizi ya watu (Ogres)

Pandikizi la mtu (Ogre)
Mapandikizi ya watu (Ogres)
Pandikizi mla-watu (Man-eating ogre)
Mapandikizi wala-watu (Man-eating ogres)

Mapandikizi ya watu ni viumbe vya kibunilizi ambavyo kwa kawaida huchorwa kama madubwana makubwa yenye mwili unaofanana na wa binadamu na sura ya kutisha. Mapandikizi ya watu hutokea kwenye kazi za zamani za fasihi na bunilizi ya kisayansi, na mara nyingi huelezwa katika hadithi za vichimbakazi kama “mapandikizi wala-watu” wanaokula binadamu. Wao huwa na kichwa kikubwa, hamu kubwa na mwili mshupavu. Mapandikizi ya watu ni warefu zaidi kuliko binadamu wa kawaida, na wana uhusiano wa karibu na majitu. Ingawa wengine huwa na sura inayofanana na ya trolu, wao hawa na uhusiano wowote na trolu wa Skandinavia.

Ogres are fictional beings which are usually depicted as large monsters with a humanoid body and a hideous appearance. Ogres appear in many classic works of literature and science fiction, and are most often described in fairy tales as “man-eating ogres” who feed on human beings. They have a large head, a big appetite and a sturdy body. Ogres are taller than an average human, and are closely related to giants. Although some have a troll-like appearance, they have no relation to the trolls of Scandinavia.

sura (appearance)
-a zamani (classic)
fasihi (literature)
hadithi za vichimbakazi (fairy tales)
-shupavu (sturdy)

Nomu (Gnomes)

Nomu (Gnome / Gnomes)
Nomu ni vizimwi vidogo katika uchawi wa Zama za Mwamko na alkemia ambavyo husemekana kuwa wanaume wadogo wazee wenye ndevu na makunyanzi ambao huishi ndani ya ardhi na hutenda kama walinzi wa dafina.

Gnomes are diminutive sprites in Renaissance magic and alchemy, that are said to be wrinkled little bearded old men, who inhabit the interior of the earth and act as guardians of its treasures.

Zama za Mwamko (Renaissance)
alkemia (alchemy)
ndevu (beard)
kunyanzi (wrinkle)
dafina (treasure)

Wolverini (Wolverine)

Anatomia ya wolverini (The anatomy of a wolverine)
Wolverini (Wolverine)
Manyoya meupe kwenye kichwa na pande White fur on head and sides
Manyoya ya kahawia iliyokoza Dark-brown fur
Masikio madogo Small ears
Miguu yenye makucha Clawed feet
Mkia mwenye manyoya mengi Bushy tail

Mazimwi Wala-maiti (Ghouls)

Zimwi mla-maiti (Ghoul)
Mazimwi wala-maiti (Ghouls)

Zimwi mla-maiti ni dubwana ovu la Mesopotamia linalohusishwa na mava, nyanja za makaburi na kula miwili ya binadamu, mara nyingi likiorodheshwa kama wafu hai. Viumbe hivi hufikiriwa kuishi makaburini na sehemu zingine kusipokuwa watu.
A ghoul is an evil Mesopotamian monster associated with cemeteries, graveyards and consuming human flesh, often classified as the undead. These creatures are thought to dwell in burial grounds and other uninhabited places.

mla-maiti (man-eating)
dubwana (monster)
mava (pl.; cemetery)
uwanja wa makaburi (graveyard)
mfu hai (living dead)

Hobgoblini (Hobgoblins)

Hobgoblini (Hobgoblin / Hobgoblins)

Hobgoblini huwa wa kirafiki lakini ni mazimwi masumbufu, wakati mwingine huitwa "bogi". Ilhali brauni huwa watulivu, hobgoblini huwa wafanya-mzaha na hupenda vichekesho na huwa na uwezo wa kubadilisha umbo. Katika vitabu vya Lodi wa Pete, hobgoblini huwa wakubwa zaidi, wenye nguvu zaidi, werevu zaidi na aina ya hatari zaidi ya zimwi. Katika vitabu cha komiki cha Mtu-Bui, mhalifu aitwaye Hobgoblini ni mwigo wa Zimwi la Kijani, lakini na ngozi ya manjano na akivalia joho lenye kifuniko cha manjano-machungwa hitilafiana na mtangulizi wake.

Hobgoblins are friendly but troublesome goblins, sometimes called a "bogey". While brownies are more peaceful creatures, hobgoblins are pranksters and fond of practical jokes and have the ability to shape-shift. In The Lord of the Rings books, hobgoblins are a larger, stronger, smarter and more menacing form of goblin. In the Spider-Man comicbook series, the villain named Hobgoblin is an imitation of the Green Goblin, but with yellow skin and hooded in a yellow-orange cloak in contrast to his predecessor.

-a kirafiki (friendly)
-sumbufu (troublesome)
-tulivu (calm)
mfanya-mzaha (prankster)
kichekesho (joke)
-erevu (smart)
-a hatari (dangerous)
kitabu cha komiki (comicbook)
mhalifu (villain)
joho (cloak)
kifuniko (hood)
hitilafiana na (in contrast to)

Trolu (Trolls)

Trolu (Troll / Trolls)

Mazimwi ya Kiskandinavia huitwa trolu; lakini tofauti na mazimwi ya kawaida, trolu hawawezi kubadilisha umbo. Trolu ni kiumbe kisicho cha dunia hii katika mitholojia ya Kinorsi na hadithi za jadi za Kiskandinavia. Trolu kwa kawaida huishi kwenye miamba, milima na mapango, na huishi pamoja katika familia ndogo na ni nadra kuwa na manufaa yoyote kwa binadamu. Trolu huelezwa kama wazee kupita kiasi, wenye nguvu sana, lakini waenda pole na wajinga, na mara nyingi huelezwa kama wala-watu na hugeuka jiwe wanapowekwa wazi kwa mwanga wa jua.

Scandinavian goblins are called trolls; however unlike regular goblins, trolls cannot shape-shift. A troll is a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folk-tales. Trolls normally dwell in rocks, mountains, or caves, and live together in small families and are rarely of any use to humans. Trolls are described as being extremely old, very strong, but slow and dim-witted, and are at times described as man-eaters and turn to stone upon exposure to sunlight.

-a Kiskandinavia (Scandinavian)
mwamba (rock)
pango (cave)
-zee (old)
-enye nguvu (strong)
-jinga (dumb)
mla-watu (man-eater)
mwanga wa jua (sunlight)

Mazimwi (Goblins)

Zimwi (Goblin)
Mazimwi (Goblins)

Zimwi ni kiumbe kiovu au kitundu cha kihekaya ambacho kwa kawaida huwa cha kioja kilicho na uwezo wa kujigeuza kuwa maumbo mbalimbali na anaaminiwa kuwa na madhara kwa binadamu na huishi katika misitu mikubwa. Yanadhaniwa kuwa na uwezo, tabia na sura mbalimbali kutegemea hadithi na nchi asilia. Wakati mwingine, mazimwi huorodheshwa kama viumbe vinavyoudhi wakati wote na kwa kiasi yana uhusiano na brauni na nomu . Kwa kawaida huchorwa kuwa kimo cha kijeba . Mara nyingi pia husemekana kuwa na uwezo mbalimbali wa kichawi.

The goblin is a legendary evil or mischievous creature, that is usually grotesque with the ability to change into various forms and is believed to be harmful to humans and live in large forests. They are believed to have various abilities, temperaments and appearances depending on the story and country of origin. In some cases, goblins are classified as constantly annoying creatures and somewhat are related to the brownie and gnome. They are usually depicted to be the size of a dwarf. They are often said to possess various magical powers.

-a kihekaya (legendary)
kuudhi (to annoy)
kijeba (dwarf)
-a kichawi (magical)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mamalia wasio na meno (Edentata)

Mamalia wasio na meno (Edentata)
Mamalia asiye na meno (Toothless mammal)

Armadilo Armadillo
Kakakuona Pangolin
Mhanga Aardvark
Mla-sisimizi Anteater
Slothi Sloth
Tamandua Tamandua

Mshira (Maple)

Mshira (Maple tree; Acer)

Mishira hupandwa kama kivuli au miti ya mapambo inayomea nchi za kaskazini, kutoa mbao au hutumiwa kutengeneza shira au sukari. Majani ya mshira ni mekundu au dhahabu wakati wa majira ya mavuno.
Maple trees are grown as shade or ornamental trees which grow in northern countries, for timber or used to make syrup or sugar. Maple leaves are red or gold in autumn.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mamalia wa Bahari (Marine Mammals)

Oda ya nyangumi (Cetacea)
Wanyama wenye miguu-mapezi (Pinnipedia)
Pinipedi (Pinniped)

Beluga Beluga
Narwali Narwhal
Nguva (Manatii) Dugong (Manatee)
Nyangumi buluu Blue whale
Nyangumi-kibyongo Humpback whale
Nyangumi-spemaseti Sperm whale
Orka (Nyangumi-muuaji) Orca (Killer whale)
Pomboo Dolphin
Poposi Porpoise
Sili Seal
Sili-manyoya Fur seal
Simba-bahari Sea lion
Tembo-bahari Elephant seal
Walarasi Walrus