Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hobu (Hobs)

Hobu (Hob / Hobs)

Hobu ni aina ya kizimwi cha kaya kidogo wa kihekaya kinachopatikana Kaskazini na Wilaya za Kati za Uingereza, lakini hasa katika mpaka wa Uingereza na Uskoti, kulingana na mila za jadi za kidesturi za maeneo hiyo. Wanaweza kuishi ndani au nje ya nyumba. Wanasemekana kuwa wao hufanya kazi kwenye mashamba na hivyo wanaweza kuwa na manufaa; hata hivyo, wakiudhiwa wanaweza kuwa wasumbufu. Njia ya kawaida ya kuondoa hobu ni kuwapa nguo mpya; wanapopokea nguo hizi, viumbe hivi hutokomea kabisa. Hata hivyo, inaweza kuwa ngumu zaidi kuwaondoa hobu wabaya zaidi.
A hob is a type of small legendary household sprite found in the North and Midlands of England, but especially on the border of England and Scotland, according to traditional folklore of those regions. They can live inside or outside the home. They are said that they work on farms and thus can be useful; however, if offended they can become nuisances. The usual way to get rid of a hob is to give them new clothes; when they receive these clothes, these creatures will disappear for good. However, it can be more difficult to get rid of the worst hobs.
kupatikana (to be found)
Wilaya za Kati (the Midlands)
mpaka (border)
mila za jadi (folklore; folk customs)
mashamba (farms)
kuwa na manufaa (to be useful)
kuudhiwa (to be offended)
kutokomea (to disappear)