Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Aina za Mashua (Types of Boats)

Mashua (Boat / Boats)
Mtumbwi / Mitumbwi (Canoe / Canoes)
Jahazi (Sailing ship / ~ ships)
Merikebu (Ship / Ships)
Boti (Electric boat / ~ boats)
Meli (Metal ships)
Merikebu ya mizinga (Warship)
Meli ya mizinga (Ironclad warship)

Aina za Mitumbwi Types of canoes
Aina za boti Types of electric boats
Aina za Jahazi Types of sailing ships
Aina za meli Types of metal ships
Aina za Merikebu Types of ships
Dau Dhow
Feri Ferry
Kayaki Kayak
Kihori Dinghy
Kiperea Two-man canoe
Manowari Destroyer / Man-o'-war
Manowari sindikiza Frigate
Manowari ya kasi Cruiser
Manowari ya kuchukulia ndege
(Manowari chukulia-ndege)
Aircraft carrier
Mashua ya matanga Sailboat
Mashua ya moshi Steamboat
Meli ya abiria Passenger ship
Meli ya mizigo Cargo ship
Meli ya moshi Steamship
Meli ya taja Merchant ship
Merikebu ndefu (ya Kivikingi) (Viking) longship
Merikebu ya maharamia Pirate ship
Merikebu ya milingote mitatu Full-rigged ship
Merikebu za Mizinga Battleships
Motaboti Motorboat
Mtepe Long-prowed sailboat
Mtumbwi wa makasia Rowboat
Nchoro Small canoe
Ngalawa (Ngarawa) Outrigger canoe
Nyambizi / Sabmarini Submarine
Yoti Yacht
Zebeki Xebec

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Wadudu na Araknida (Insects and Arachnids)

Mdudu / Wadudu (Insect / Insects)
Dudu / Madudu (Large bug / Large bugs; can be reserved in speech, exclusively to refer to beetles)
Araknida (Arachnid / Arachnids)
Buibui Spider
Bunzi / Mdudu-kibibi Ladybug / Ladybird
Buu Maggot / Larva
Chenene Mole cricket
Chungu Carpenter ant
Dondora Yellow jacket
Dundu Scavenger beetle
Funutu Locust nymph
Funza Chigger
Jongoo Millipede
Kereng'ende Dragonfly
Kifukofuko Cocoon
Kimetameta / Kimulimuli Firefly / Lightning bug / Glowworm
Kipepeo Butterfly
Kipukusa Weevil
Kiroboto Flea
Kivunjajungu Praying mantis
Kiwavi Caterpillar
Kombamwiko / Mende Cockroach
Kombamwiko-kibyongo / Mende-kibyongo Beetle
Kunguni Bedbug
Kupe (Papasi / Utitiri) Tick (Soft tick / Cattle tick)
Majimoto Fire ant
Mavu Hornet
Mbu Mosquito
Mbung'o / Ndorobo Tsetse fly
Mchwa Termite
Mnyoo Worm
Nge Scorpion
Nondo Moth
Nyenje Cricket
Nyigu Wasp
Nyuki Bee
Nyukibambi Bumblebee
Nzi Fly
Nzige Locust
Panzi Grasshopper
Parare Bird grasshopper
Siafu Safari ant
Sisimizi Black ant
Sururu Palm weevil
Tandu Centipede
Tekenya Sand flea / Jigger
Visubi Gnat

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spoti (Sports)

Spoti (Sport / Sports)
Mchezo (Game)
Michezo (Games)

Besiboli Baseball (sport)
Glavu ya mdakaji Catcher's mitt
Gofu Golf
Gongo la besiboli Baseball bat
Hoki ya barafuni Ice hockey
Kandanda ya Marekani Football (UK: American football)
Kigoe cha hoki Hockey stick
Kikapu Basket
Kitovu Base
Kiwanja Court
Klabu ya gofu Golf club
Mcheza-gofu (Mchezaji wa gofu) Golfer
Mchezaji wa besiboli Baseballer
Mchezaji wa hoki (ya barafuni) (Ice) hockey player
Mchezaji wa kandanda (ya Marekani) Football player
Mchezaji wa mpira wa kikapu Basketballer
Mchezaji wa mpira wa wavu Volleyballer
Mchezaji wa soka/kandanda (Mcheza-soka/-kandanda) Soccerplayer (UK: Footballer)
Mcheza-tenisi (Mchezaji wa tenisi) Tennis player
Mchezo wa kuviringisha tufe Bowling
Mchezo wa mpira wa kikapu Basketball (sport)
Mchezo wa mpira wa wavu Volleyball (sport)
Mpira wa besiboli Baseball
Mpira wa gofu Golf ball
Mpira wa kandanda ya Marekani
(Mchezo wa mpira wa miguu wa Kimarekani)
Mpira wa kikapu Basketball
Mpira wa miguu (Mpira wa soka/kandanda) Soccerball (UK:Football)
Mpira wa tenisi Tennis ball
Mpira wa wavu Volleyball
Mviringisha-tufe Bowler
Mwamuzi Umpire
Neti Net
nyasi ya sanisia Artificial turf
Pini / Mapini Pin / Pins
Raketi ya tenisi Tennis racquet
Shimo Hole
Soka (Kandanda) Soccer (UK: Football)
Tenisi Tennis
Tufe la hoki Hockey puck
Tufe la kuviringisha Bowling ball
Uwanja Field

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Kipupwe (Winter)

Kipupwe (Winter)
Msimu wa kipupwe (Season of winter)
Majira ya baridi (Cold season)
Solistasi ya kipupwe (Winter solstice)

Kipupwe ndiyo majira ya baridi zaidi ya mwaka, kama majira ya baridi katika hali ya hewa ya wastani. Kipupwe hutokea kati ya demani na masika. Wakati wa solistasi ya kipupwe, mchana huwa mfupi zaidi na usiku huwa mrefu zaidi. Kutokana na theluji, barafu na hali ya hewa nyingine ya kipupwe, baadhi ya ndege huhama; dubu hubumbwaa. Wanyama wengine huweka chakula kwa ajili ya kipupwe ili waweze kuishi, kama vile: kindi, biva, vinyegere, melesi na rakuni. Manyoya ya wanyama wengine hata hubadilika, kwa mfano, manyoya ya mbweha-aktiki hubadilika kuwa meupe kupatana na mandhari ya theluji.
"Kipupwe" is the coldest season of the year, like the winter of temperate climates. Kipupwe occurs between autumn and spring. At the winter solstice, the days are shortest and nights are longest. Due to the snow, ice and other wintery weather, some birds migrate; bears hibernate; other animals store food for the winter to live on, such as: squirrels, beavers, skunks, badgers and raccoons; some animals’ fur even changes color, for instance, the arctic fox’s fur changes to white to blend in with the snowy landscape.

Demani (Autumn)

Demani (Autumn)
Msimu wa demani (Season of autumn)
Majira ya mapukutiko (Season of shedding [leaves])
Majira ya kupukutika kwa majani (Season of the falling of leaves)
Majira ya mavuno (Harvest season)
Ikwinoksi ya demani (Autumnal equinox)

Demani ni mojawapo ya majira nne ya wastani. Demani huadimishwa na ikwinoksi ya demani ambayo ni mpito kutoka kiangazi hadi kipupwe, katikati ya Septemba (nusudunia ya kaskazini) au Machi (nusudunia ya kusini) wakati ambapo miti huanza kubadilisha rangi, majani hupukutika na mchana huwa fupi. Kama "autumn(neno la Kiingereza linalomaanisha "majira ya mapukutiko" au "majira ya mavuno") ya maeneo ya wastani, mazao makuu huvunwa wakati wa demani ambalo ni neno la wakati wa mwaka unaoanza Machi na kuendelea hadi katikati ya Juni. Vuli ni majira ya mvua nyepesi wakati upepo wa kaskazini hupoanza kuvuma na wakati mwingine hulinganishwa na autumn.
Autumn is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn is marked by the autumnal equinox which is the transition from summer to winter, in mid-September (in the northern hemisphere) or March (in the southern hemisphere) when trees begin to change color, their leaves fall off and the days get shorter. Like autumn (a word meaning "the season of shedding [leaves]" or "harvest season") of the temperate zones, major crops are harvested in "demani", which is the Swahili word for the time of year that begins in March and lasts until mid-June. "Vuli" is the season of light rain when the north wind blows and is sometimes equated to autumn.

Kiangazi (Summer)

Kiangazi (Summer)
Msimu wa kiangazi (Season of summer)
Majira ya joto (Hot season)
Msimu wa ukavu (Dry season)
Solistasi ya kiangazi (Summer solstice)
Katikati ya kiangazi (Midsummer)
Mkesha wa Mtakatifu Yohana (St. John's Eve)

Kiangazi ni msimu wa ukavu, sawa na majira ya joto katika sehemu za wastani. Kiangazi ni ya fufutende zaidi ya misimu yote. Mchana huwa ndefu zaidi wakati wa solistasi ya kiangazi wakati katikati ya kiangazi (au miongoni mwa Wakristo kama Mkesha wa Mtakatifu Yohana) husherehekewa kwa heshima ya kuzaliwa kwa Yohana Mbatizaji.
"Kiangazi" is the dry season, exactly like summer in the temperates regions. Summer is warmest of the all the seasons. Days get longer on the summer solstice when midsummer (or among Christians as St. John's Eve) is celebrated in honor of John the Baptist's birth.

Masika (Spring)

Masika (Spring)
Msimu wa masika (Season of spring)
Majira ya machipuko (Season of sprouting)
Majira ya kuchipua (Season of budding)
Ikwinoksi ya masika (Vernal equinox)

Masika ni neno linalotumiwa kueleza majira ya mvua nyingi, mara nyingi hulinganishwa na “spring” (neno la Kiingereza linalomaanisha "majira ya machipuko"). Ikwinoksi ya masika huadimisha mpito kati ya kipupwe na kiangazi wakati mimea hupoanza kukua tena na maua hunawiri na mchana hukaribia masaa 12 kwa urefu.
"Masika" is the Swahili word used to describe the season of lots of rain, sometimes many times equated to spring (a word meaning "the season of sprouting"). The vernal equinox marks the transition between winter and summer when plants start to grow again and flowers bloom and the day are close to 12 hours long.

Misimu Minne (The Four Seasons)

Msimu (Season)
Misimu (Seasons)
Majira (Season)
Kipindi (Period)
Wakati wa mwaka (Time of the year)
Nyakati za mwaka (Times of the year)

Masika (Majira ya machipuko) Spring (Season of sprouting)
Kiangazi (Majira ya joto) Summer (Season of heat)
Demani (Majira ya mapukutiko) Autumn (Season of the shedding [leaves])
Kipupwe (Majira ya baridi) Winter (Season of cold)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Binamu (Cousins)

Binamu (Cousin / Cousins)
For clarification, the German translation is used for the more distant cousinly terminologies since the official Swahili forms follow the German pattern of consanguinity. The English terms are abbreviated with a code. For example: 1Cousin-1 = First cousin once removed, 2Cousin-3 = Second cousin thrice removed, 3Cousin-4 = Third cousin four times removed, and so on and so forth. When translating from English and the exact relation is not known, one can use a more-direct form of translation (e.g.: First cousin twice removed > binamu wa kwanza wa kuondolewa mara mbili) Otherwise, it could turn out as either mjomba-mkubwa wa mbili or mpwa-mjukuu wa mbili. However, since in Swahili, familial terms usually extends across one single generation, it is best to use the chart above. The terms are in their most abbreviated forms, and for full clarification can be lengthened with hatua level/degree, such as: mpwa-kitukuu wa tano could also be written as mpwa-kitukuu wa hatua wa tano or mpwa-kitukuu wa hatua tano, and by the English system as binamu wa tano wa kuondolewa mara mbili fifth cousin twice removed. Also note that this chart features only the mother's side of the family, which is why mjomba uncle and mbiomba aunt are the terms used.)

Baba Father
Babu Grandfather
Babu-mkuu Great-grandfather
Babu-mkuu-mkuu Great-great-grandfather
Binamu wa kwanza First cousin
Binamu wa mbili Second cousin
Binamu wa nne Third cousin
Binti Daughter
Dada Sister
Kaka Brother
Kilembwe Great-great-great-grandchild
Kilembwekeza Great-great-great-great-grandchild
Kinying'inya Great-great-grandchild
Kitojo Great-great-great-great-great-grandchild
Kitukuu Great-grandchild
Mama Mother
Mbiomba Aunt (maternal)
Mjomba Uncle (generic & maternal)
Mjomba wa mbili Onkel 2. Grades (1Cousin-1)
Mjomba wa nne Onkel 4. Grades (3Cousin-1)
Mjomba wa tatu Onkel 3. Grades (2Cousin-1)
Mjomba-mkubwa Granduncle
Mjomba-mkubwa wa mbili Großonkel 2. Grades (1Cousin-2)
Mjomba-mkubwa wa tatu Großonkel 3. Grades (2Cousin-2)
Mjomba-mkubwa-mkuu Great-granduncle
Mjomba-mkubwa-mkuu wa mbili Urgroßonkel 2. Grades (1Cousin-3)
Mjomba-mkubwa-mkuu-mkuu Great-great-granduncle
Mjomba-mkubwa-mkuu-mkuu-mkuu Great-great-great-granduncle
Mjukuu Grandchild
Mpwa Nephew / Niece
Mpwa wa mbili Neffe 2. Grades (1Cousin-1)
Mpwa wa nne Neffe 4. Grades (3Cousin-1)
Mpwa wa tatu Neffe 3. Grades (2Cousin-1)
Mpwa-kilembwe Great-great-great-grandnephew
Mpwa-kilembwe wa mbili Ur-Ur-Urgroßneffe 2. Grades (1Cousin-5)
Mpwa-kilembwe wa nne Ur-Ur-Urgroßneffe 4. Grades (3Cousin-5)
Mpwa-kilembwe wa tatu Ur-Ur-Urgroßneffe 3. Grades (2Cousin-5)
Mpwa-kilembwekeza Great-great-great-great-grandnephew
Mpwa-kilembwekeza wa mbili Ur-Ur-Ur-Urgroßneffe 2. Grades (1Cousin-6)
Mpwa-kilembwekeza wa nne Ur-Ur-Ur-Urgroßneffe 4. Grades (3Cousin-6)
Mpwa-kilembwekeza wa tatu Ur-Ur-Ur-Urgroßneffe 3. Grades (2Cousin-6)
Mpwa-kinying'inya Great-great-grandnephew
Mpwa-kinying'inya wa mbili Ur-Urgroßneffe 2. Grades (1Cousin-4)
Mpwa-kinying'inya wa nne Ur-Urgroßneffe 4. Grades (3Cousin-4)
Mpwa-kinying'inya wa tatu Ur-Urgroßneffe 3. Grades (2Cousin-4)
Mpwa-kitojo Great-great-great-great-great-grandnephew
Mpwa-kitojo wa mbili Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Urgroßneffe 2. Grades (1Cousin-7)
Mpwa-kitojo wa nne Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Urgroßneffe 4. Grades (3Cousin-7)
Mpwa-kitojo wa tatu Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Urgroßneffe 3. Grades (2Cousin-7)
Mpwa-kitukuu Great-grandnephew
Mpwa-kitukuu wa mbili Urgroßneffe 2. Grades (1Cousin-3)
Mpwa-kitukuu wa nne Urgroßneffe 4. Grades (3Cousin-3)
Mpwa-kitukuu wa tatu Urgroßneffe 3. Grades (2Cousin-3)
Mpwa-mjukuu Grandnephew
Mpwa-mjukuu wa mbili Großneffe 2. Grades (1Cousin-2)
Mpwa-mjukuu wa nne Großneffe 4. Grades (3Cousin-2)
Mpwa-mjukuu wa tatu Großneffe 3. Grades (2Cousin-2)
Mwana Son
Nafsi Self
Nyanya / Bibi Grandmother
Nyanya-mkuu Great-grandmother
Nyanya-mkuu-mkuu Great-great-grandmother

Familia (Family)

Familia (Family)
(Notes: In this family tree, Daudi's relations are written in black, whereas the words for Imani's relation's are written in red. You can find others' relations written in various other colors which relate back to the family member with a circle of the same color situated to the right of their picture.)
Shangazi is a generic term one can use for aunt, when the exact relation is not known. Similarly, mjomba is used for uncle, while shemeji can be used to refer to basically any sibling-in-law, if the exact relation is not known. Shemeji is most approriately used when referring to a relation of the opposite sex through marriage, for example: Imani's husband's brother is her shemeji, because she is a woman, and the sibling-in-law relation is of the opposite sex. Likewise, Daudi's wife's sister is his shemeji, because he is a man and his wife's sister is of the opposite sex. Similarly, mlamu is used when referring to a relation of the same sex. Wifi is a specifically feminine word used for the husband's sister and brother's wife.)

Ami Uncle (paternal)
Ami-mkubwa Granduncle (paternal)
Baba Father
Baba mkwe Father-in-law
Baba wa kambo Stepfather
Babu Grandfather
Babu mkuu Great-grandfather
Babu na bibi Grandparents
Bibi / Nyanya Grandmother
Binamu Cousin (male)
Binti Daughter
Binti mkwe Daughter-in-law
Binti wa kambo Stepdaughter
Bintiamu Cousin (female)
Dada Sister
Dada wa kambo Stepsister
Halati Aunt-in-law (mother's brother's wife)
Halati-mkubwa Grandaunt-in-law (mother's uncle's wife)
Kaka Brother
Kaka wa kambo Stepbrother
Kinying'inya Great-great-grandchild
Kitukuu Great-grandchild
Kivyere wa kike Child's mother-in-law
Kivyere wa kiume Child's father-in-law
Mama Mother
Mama mkwe Mother-in-law
Mama wa kambo Stepmother
Mbiomba Aunt (maternal)
Mbiomba-mkubwa Grandaunt (maternal)
Mhavile Uncle-in-law (Father's sister's husband)
Mhavile-mkubwa Granduncle-in-law (father's aunt's husband)
Mjomba Uncle (maternal & generic term)
Mjomba-mkubwa Granduncle (maternal)
Mjukuu wa kike Granddaughter
Mjukuu wa kiume Grandson
Mke Wife
Mke wa zamani Ex-wife
Mkwe Son-in-law
Mlamu Brother-in-law (sister's husband)
Mlamu Brother-in-law (wife's brother)
Mlamu Sister-in-law (husband's brother's wife)
Mpwa wa kike Niece
Mpwa wa kiume Nephew
Mpwa wa mbili First cousin once removed
Mpwa-mjukuu wa mbili First cousin twice removed
Mume Husband
Mume wa zamani Ex-husband
Mwana Son
Mwana wa kambo Stepson
Mwanyumba Brother-in-law (wife's sister's husband)
Nusu-dada Half-sister
Nusu-kaka Half-brother
Nyanya mkuu Great-grandmother
Shangazi Aunt (paternal)
Shangazi-mkubwa Grandaunt (paternal)
Shemeji Brother-in-law (husband's brother)
Shemeji Brother-in-law (husband's sister's husband)
Shemeji Sister-in-law (wife's brother's wife)
Shemeji Sister-in-law (wife's sister)
Wacheja In-laws
Wajukuu Grandchildren
Watoto Children
Wifi Sister-in-law (brother's wife)
Wifi Sister-in-law (husband's sister)