Monday, May 28, 2012

Mpekani (Pecan)

Mpekani (Pecan tree; Carya illinoinensis)

Mpekani ni aina ya mhikoria mrefu unaopatikana Kusini mwa nchi za Marekani na Meksiko ambao hukuzwa kwa njugu zake tamu za kulika zalizo na makaka laini yenye umbo la yai na hutumika kutengeza pai za pekani.
The pecan tree is a type of tall hickory found in the southern US and Mexico that is grown for its oval, smooth-shelled, sweet edible nuts and used in making pecan pies.

Mwelmu (Elm)

Mwelmu (Elm tree; Ulmus)
Mwelmu wa Amerika (American elm; Ulmus americana)

Mwelmu ni mti unaojulikana kwa matawi yake yanayomea yakitambaa. Ganda la mwelmu lililokatwa kwa vipande na kuchemsha liliwasitiri wakazi wa mashambani nchini Unorwe wakati wa njaa kubwa mwaka wa 1812.
The elm is a tree known for its branches which grow in a spreading manner. Elm bark, cut into strips and boiled, sustained the rural population of Norway during the great famine of 1812.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mkono na Mguu (Hand and Foot)

Mkono na mguu (Hand and foot)
Kidole cha katiMiddle finger
Kidole cha peteRing finger
Kidole cha shahadaIndex finger
Kidole gumbaThumb
Kidole kidogoPinky finger
Ukaya wa ukuchaCuticle
Kidole cha mguuToe
Kidole kidogo cha mguuLittle toe
Kidole kikubwa cha mguuBig toe
Kifundo cha mguuAnkle
Kiganja cha mguuInstep
Ukucha wa kidole cha mguuToenail

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wavulana na Vyura (The Boys and the Frogs)

Wavulana na Vyura
Walikuwa wavulana wakicheza kando la ziwa. Mchezo wao ndio kutupa mawe majini, hivyo wakaumiza sana vyura viliomo ziwani. Mwishoni, chura mmoja, hodari kuliko wenzake, akainua kichwa chake ziwani akasema, “Ee, wangwana rafiki zangu, acheni, nawasihi, kwani mchezo wenu ni mauti yetu.”

The Boys and the Frogs
There were boys playing playing by the lake. Their game involved throwing stones into the water and as a result hurt the frogs that were in the lake. Finally, one frog, braver than the others, lifted up his head out of the lake and said. "Hey, my beloved friends, stop, I beg you, because your game is our death!"

Jiwe (pl. Mawe)Stone