Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mhadasi (Myrtle)

Mhadasi (Myrtle)
Mihadasi (Myrtles)

Mhadasi (kutoka Kiebrania:  הדס hadas) ni jenasi ya spishi moja au mbili za mimea inayochanua katika familia ya Myrtaceae, inayopatikana kusini mwa Ulaya na kaskazini mwa Afrika. Mmea huo ni mti mdogo au kichaka chenye majani mwaka mzima ambacho hukua hadi mita 5 kwa urefu. Matunda yake ni beri ya mviringo yenye mbegu nyingi za buluu nyeusi.

The myrtle (from Hebrew: הדס hadas) is a genus of one or two species of flowering plants in the Myrtaceae family, found the south of Europe and the north of Africa. The plant is a small evergreen tree or bush that grows up to 5 meters tall. Its fruits are round berries with many dark blue seeds.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Mhazeli (Hazelnut tree)

Mhazeli (Hazelnut tree)
Mihazeli (Hazelnut trees)
Hazeli (Hazelnut)

Hazeli (kutoka Kijerumani: Hasel) ni njugu ya mhazeli ulio aina ya mti wa familia ya mbetula ulio na majani yenye meno na umbo la mviringo ambayo huzaa njugu za kulika.

The hazelnut (from German: Hasel) is the nut of the hazel which is a type of tree of the birch family having toothed and round leaves that bear edible nuts.

Mrowani (Rowan)

Mrowani (Rowan tree)
Mirowani (Rowan trees)

Mrowani, pia huitwa mjivujivu-milima, ni aina ya mti wenye majani yenye umbo la unyoya na vishada vya beri nyekundu kali.

The rowan, also called the mountain ash-tree, is a type of tree with pinnate leaves and clusters of bright red berries.

Mwerebi (Willow)

Mwerebi (Willow; Salix) (ערבה 'aravah)
Mwerebi mliaji (Weeping willow; Salix babylonica)

Mwerebi (kutoka Kiebrania: ערבה 'aravah) ni mti umeao karibu na maji na unaojulikana kwa majani yake membamba yenye umbo la fumo na vishada vya maua madogo yaliyosongamana, spishi nyingi huwa na vitawi vigumu vinavyopindika kwa urahisi vinavyotumika kutengeza vichanja.

The willow (from Hebrew: ערבה 'aravah) is a tree that grows near water and known for its narrow, lance-shaped leaves and dense catkins, many species have tough, pliable twigs used for making wickerwork.

Mwaramoni (Chestnut tree)

Mwaramoni (Chestnut tree)
Miaramoni (Chestnut trees)
Aramoni (Chestnut)

Aramoni (kutoka Kiebrania: ערמון 'armun) ni njugu ya mwaramoni ulio mti wa kupukutika majani unaofanyiza jenasi Castanea ya familia ya mfune ulio na majani yenye meno na umbo la mstatili na huzaa njugu za kulika zilizozungushiwa ndani ya kichomanguo.
The chestnut (from Hebrew: ערמון 'armun) is the nut of a chestnut tree which is a deciduous tree constituting the genus Castanea of the beech family having toothed and oblong leaves and bear edible nuts enclosed inside a bur.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Mteashuri (Larch)

Mteashuri (Larch)
Miteashuri (Larches)

Miteashuri (kutoka Kiebrania: תְּאַשּׁוּר ţe'ashur) ni mikoni katika jenasi ya Larix ya familia Pinaceae. Hutofautiana kwa ukubwa kuanzia mita 20 hadi 45. Inapatikana nusudunia ya kaskazini hasa misituni mwa Urusi na Kanada.
Larches (from Hebrew: תְּאַשּׁוּר ţe'ashur) are conifers in the genus Larix of the Pinaceae family. They vary in size from 20 to 45 meters. They are found in the northern hemisphere especially in the forests of Russia and Canada.

Aina za Miti (Types of Trees)

Aina za miti (Types of trees)

Mbetula Birch
Mchikichi Palm tree
Mfune Beech tree
Mjozi Walnut tree
Mpopla Poplar
Mseda Cedar
Mshira Maple
Msprusi Spruce
Mteashuri Larch
Mwaloni Oak
Mwerebi Willow
Mwerezi Lebanon cedar

Aina za Njugu (Types of Nuts)

Aina za njugu (Types of nuts)

Aramoni Chestnut
Hazeli Hazelnut
Jozi Walnut
Karanga Peanut
Korosho Cashew
Kungu Indian almond
Lozi Almond
Makadamia Macadamia
Nazi Coconut
Njugu ya Brazili Brazil nut
Njugu ya mfune Beech nut
Njugu ya mginko Ginkgo nut
Njugu ya mkola Cola nut
Njugu ya msonobari Pine nut
Pista (njugu ya pistachio)
Siagi ya karanga Peanut butter

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Watu-X #4 (The X-Men #4)

Undugu wa Vioja Viovu (The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants) 

Undugu wa Vioja Viovu utambulishwa. Magneto alileta pamoja timu inayotungwa kwa Jura mchupaji, mfanya-mauzauza Mwanzilishi Mwamba, Zebaki - mkimbiaji wa kasi ya juu na dada yake Mchawi Mwekundu. Undugu ulitwaa taifa dogo katika Amerika Kusini baada ya saa chache tu, kwa hivyo, Xavier na Watu-X walikwenda huko na kupigana na kundi hilo. Hata hivyo, walikuwa na matata, kwa sababu hawakuzoea nguvu za wapinzani wao. Mwishowe Undugu ulifukuzwa, lakini uliacha mabomu machache nyuma. Halafu, Xavier akajitupa mbele ya mlipuko, na kwa hivyo, akapotea telepathia yake. Chombo cha pili kilikuwa bomu la nyuklia lililowekwa kuangamiza nchi nzima, lakini Zebaki alilichangua kabla ya kuondoka. Kwa kweli, Zebaki na Mchawi Mwekundu siyo waovu, bali hutumikia Magneto kwa ajili ya deni. Magneto alimwokoa Mchawi Mwekundu kutoka kwa kundi la watu wenye hasira baada ya yeye kuteketeza kihenge katika kijiji chake cha kuzaliwa.

The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is introduced. Magneto brought together a team consisting of the hopping Toad, the illusionist Mastermind, Quicksilver the high-speed runner and his sister the Scarlet Witch. The Brotherhood took over a small nation in South America after only a few hours, therefore, Xavier and the X-Men went there to fight the group. However, they had problems, because they were not familiar with their opponents' powers. In the end, the Brotherhood was driven off, but left some bombs behind. Then, Xavier threw himself in front of the explosion, and thus, lost his telepathy. The second device was a nuclear bomb that was set to destroy the whole country, but Quicksilver disarmed it before leaving. Actually, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are not evil, but serve Magneto on account of a debt. Magneto rescued Scarlet Witch from an angry mob after she burned down a barn in her native village.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Watu-X #3 (The X-Men #3)

Watu-X dhidi ya Bonge (The X-Men versus the Blob)
Jihadhari na Bonge! (Beware of the Blob!) 

Xavier alikugundua kuwepo kwa mtu mpya mwenye jeni-X; yeye ni Bonge Asiyesongeka anayefanya kazi kwenye kanivali. Bonge alikaribishwa kutembelea jumba la Watu-X ili Xavier aweze kujaribu nguvu zake, lakini baadaye mtu huyu mpya mwenye jeni-X akakataa kujiunga na timu. Xavier akataka kufuta akili yake ili mahali pa jumba lao pabaki siri, lakini Bonge. Hata hivyo, baadaye akatoroka tu na kurudi pamoja na wafanyakazi wote wa kanivali na kuishambulia shule. Watu-X walipigana nao kwa muda mrefu ya kutosha, hivi kwamba Xavier aliweza kutumia kizidisha-mawazo ili kuondoa kumbukumbu kutoka akilini mwa kundi zima la wafanyakazi wa kanivali.

Xavier detected the presence of a new mutant; it is the Immovable Blob who works at a carnival. He was invited to visit the X-Men's mansion so that Xavier could test his powers, but afterwards the new mutant refused to join the team. Xavier wanted to wipe his mind so that the location of their mansion remain secret, but Blob escaped. However, later he returned with all of the carnival workers to attack the school. The X-Men fought with them for long enough for Xavier to be able to use a thought-intensifier in order to erase the memories of the whole carnival crew.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Vichimbakazi (Fairies)

Kichimbakazi (Fairy)
Vichimbakazi (Fairies)

Kichimbakazi ni aina ya kizimwi cha kihekaya kutoka Ulimwengu Mwingine, ambacho kwa kawaida huelezwa kama kilicho cha kimetafizikia au kisicho cha dunia hii. Vichimbakazi kwa kawaida huelezwa kama binadamu vinavyoonyeshwa, lakini vina mabawa kama ya wadudu na huwa na nguvu za kichawi. Vichimbakazi vingi ni vidogo sana, vingine vidogo mno hata havionekani kwa jicho tupu, lakini baada ya karne kadha za kuzaana na binadamu, vichimbakazi vya kisasa vimekua na kutoshana na binadamu wa kawaida. Wataalamu wa mila za jadi ya mataifa ya Kiseltiki wamependekeza kuwa asili yao halisi ni katika jamii iliyoshindwa na iliyopelekwa mafichoni kwa kuwashambulia binadamu. Njia chache za kujilinda dhidi ya vichimbakazi ni kwa kutumia mtishamba wa Mtakatifu Yohana, klova yenye majani manne, chuma baridi (ambayo ni kama sumu kwao na huwa hawakaribii) au kuvaa nguo ndani nje.

A fairy is a type of legendary sprite from the Other World, who is generally described as metaphysical or supernatural. Fairies generally are described as human in appearance, but they have insectoid wings and have magical powers. Many fairies are very small, some are too some to even be seen with the naked eye, but after centuries of breeding with humans, modern fairies have grown to full human size. Folklorists of Celtic nations have proposed that their actual origin lies in a conquered race driven into hiding for attacking humans. A few ways of protecting oneself against fairies are by using St. John's wort, four-leaf clover, a cold iron (which is like poison to them and they will not go near it) or by wearing clothing inside out.

kimetafizikia = metaphysical
isiyo ya dunia hii = supernatural
wanavyoonyeshwa = as they are shown
kwa jicho tupu = with the naked eye
kadha = several
kuzaana na = to breed with
ya kisasa = modern
kukua = to grow
mtaalamu wa mila za jadi = folklorist
Kiseltiki = Celtic
kupendekeza = to propose
iliyoshindwa = conquered
kupelekwa mafichoni = to be sent into hiding
mtishamba wa Mtakatifu Yohana = St. John's wort
klova = clover
kukaribia = to get near
ndani nje = inside out  

Biarusi wa Frankenstein (Bride of Frankenstein)

Biarusi wa Frankenstein (Bride / Brides of Frankenstein) 

Usiku mmoja wenye giza na dhoruba, Viktori aliumba mwenzi wa kike wa dubwana wake. Biarusi wa Frankeinstein alipata uhai wakati radi ilipopiga kishada ambayo ilipeleka umeme kupitia maiti ya kike iliyojengwa kwa mtindo sawa na ya mwenzi wake wa kiume. Biarusi anavalia gauni lililofungwa kwa bendeji na mtindo wa nywele kama pia ulio na mistari miwili myeupe ya radi kwenye nywele inayoanzia kwenye mapanja ya pande zote mbili za kichwa chake.

On a dark and stormy night, Victor created a female counterpart of his monster. The bride of Frankenstein was brought to life when lightning struck a kite which sent electricity through a female corpse built by the same method of her male counterpart. The bride wears a dress wrapped with bandages and a conical hairdo with two white lightning streaks in her hair starting from the temples on both sides of her head.

yenye giza = dark
yenye dhoruba = stormy
radi = lightning
kupiga = to strike
kishada = kite
kupeleka = to send
kujengwa = to be built
gauni = dress
iliyofungwa kwa = wrapped with
mtindo wa nywele = hairdo
pia = cone
mstari = line / streak
panja = temple (of head) 

Dubwana la Frankenstein (Frankenstein's Monster)

Dubwana la Frankenstein (Frankenstein's monster)
Madubwana ya Frankenstein (Frankenstein's monsters) 

Dubwana la Frankenstein ni kiumbe chenye sura ya kutisha kilicho na urefu wa futi 8, ngozi ya kijani, macho yanayong’aa, kichwa bapa, paji zito na elektrodi katika pande zote mbili za shingoni. Mwili wake ulishonwa pamoja kwa vipande vya maiti na mwumbaji wake Viktori, mwanafunzi wa tiba, na kiumbe chake kilichopata uhai kwa kutumia umeme wakati wa usiku mmoja wenye mvua wa Novemba mwishoni mwa karne ya kumi na nane huko Ujerumani.

Frankenstein's monster is a hideous 8-foot-tall creature with green skin, shining eyes, a flat head, a broad brow and electrodes in both sides of the neck. Its body was sewn together with pieces of corpses by his creator Victor, a medical student, and his creation was brought to life using electricity on a rainy November night in late eighteenth century Germany.

yenye sura ya kutisha = hideous
inayong'aa = shining
bapa = flat
elektrodi = electrode
kushonwa pamoja = to be sewn together
mwumbaji = creator
tiba = medicine
kupata uhai = to be brought to life
yenye mvua = rainy
karne = century

Friday, January 4, 2013

Inkubasi (Incubi)

Inkyubasi (Incubus / Incubi) 

Inkubasi, pia huitwa Jinamizi, ni shetani dume ambaye, kulingana na desturi kadha za kimitholojia na kihekaya, hulala juu ya wachapa-usingizi, hasa wanawake ili kuwabaka. Ni mwenzi wa kiume wa shetani anayejulikana zaidi aitwaye sukubu. Ingawa hadithi nyingi hueleza kuwa inkubasi ni mpenda-jinsiambili, nyingine hudokeza kuwa ni mheterojinsia na huona kumshambulia mhasiriwa wa kiume kuwa kwa kutopendeza au kudhuru. Desturi za dini hushikilia kuwa ngono ya kurudiwa na inkubasi au sukubu yaweza kusababisha upunguzi wa afya au hata kifo. Mojawapo ya matajo ya mwanzo ya inkubasi inatoka Mesopotomia katika Orodha ya Mfalme Msumeria karibu 2400 kabla ya Kristo, ambapo babake Gilgameshi anaorodheshwa kama inkubasi, aliyekuwa na uhusiano wa kimapenzi na wanawake usingizini (ili kuzaa mtoto).

An incubus, also called a Nightmare, is a male demon who, according to several mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleepers, especially women in order to rape them and bring them nightmares. It is the male counterpart of the more known demon called the succubus. Although many tales claim that the incubus is bisexual, others suggest that it is heterosexual and finds attacking a male victim to be unpleasant or harmful. Religious traditions hold that repeated sex with an incubus or succubus can cause a reduction of health or even death. One of the earliest mentions of an incubus comes from Mesopotamia in the Sumerian King List circa 2400 BC, where Gilgamesh's father is listed as an incubus, who had sexual relations with women in their sleep (in order to father a child).

mchapa-usingizi = sleeper
kubaka = to rape
mwenzi = counterpart
mpenda-jinsiambili = bisexual (person)
kudokeza = to suggest
mheterojinsia = heterosexual (person) 
mhasiriwa = victim
ya kutopendeza = unpleasant
ya kudhuru = harmful
ya kurudiwa = repetitive
upunguzi = reduction
tajo = mention
Msumeria = Sumerian (person)
kuorodheshwa = to be listed
uhusiano wa kimapenzi = sexual relations
usinigizini = in one's sleep
kuzaa mtoto = to bear/father/sire a child 

Sukubasi (Succubi)

Sukubasi (Succubus / Succubi)

Sukubasi ni shetani jike ambalo hutokea kwa ndoto na huwa na umbo la mwanamke mrembo kijana ili aweze kutongoza wanaume, kwa kawaida kwa kufanya ngono nao; hata hivyo, umbo lake la kweli hudhihirisha ulemavu, kama vile: kucha zinazofanana na za ndege, pembe za kishetani au mkia wa joka. Neno hili linatokana na Kilatini cha Karibuni succubae “malaya” (kutoka succubare “kulala chini ya”).  Neno hili lilithibitishwa kwanza mwaka 1387. Kulingana na mafundisho ya Zohar, Lilithi alikuwa mke wa kwanza wa Adamu ambaye baadaye alikuwa sukubasi. Alimwacha Adamu na akakataa kurudi Bustani ya Edeni baada ya kujamiiana na malaika mkuu Samaeli. Inasemekana hilo tendo la kumwingilia sukubasi linafanana na kuingia pango la barafu. Pia kuna ripoti kwamba sukubasi wamewalazimisha wanaume warambe kuma yao ambayo hutiririka mkojo na giligili nyingine za kuchukiza. Sukubasi hivi karibuni wamekuwa maarufu katika utamaduni pendwa kwa juhudi za wahusika Morigani na Lilithi Aensland kutoka Wanyapaji wa Giza ambao pia ni sukubasi.

A succubus is a female demon that appears in dreams and has the shape of beautiful young woman so she may seduce men, usually through sexual intercourse; however, her true form reveals deformities, such as: bird-like claws, demonic horns or a serpentine tail. The word is derived from Late Latin succubae "strumpet" (from succubare "to lie under"). The word was first established in 1387. According to Zohar teachings, Lilith was Adam's first wife who later became a succubus. She left Adam and refused to return to the Garden of Eden after mating with the archangel Samael. It is said that the act of penetrating a succubus is similar to entering a cave of ice. There are also reports that succubi have forced men to lick their vaginas that drip with urine and other disgusting fluids. Succubi have recently become famous in pop culture thanks to Morrigan and Lilith Aensland from the Darkstalkers who are also succubi. 

shetani = demon
kutongoza = to seduce
ngono = sex
kudhihirisha = to reveal
ulemavu = deformity
kishetani = demonic
joka = serpent
malaya = slut
kuthibitishwa = to be established
kulingana na = according to
kukataa = to refuse
kuingilia = to penetrate
pango = cave
kulazimisha = to force
kuramba = to lick
kutiririka = to drip
mkojo = urine
ugiligili = fluid
ya kuchukiza = disgusting
maarufu = famous
utamaduni pendwa = pop culture
kunyapa = to stalk

Dhampiri (Dhampirs)

Dhampiri (Dhampir / Dhampirs) 
Dhampiri, au nusu-mnyonyadamu, katika hadithi za Balkani ni mtoto wa mnyonyadamu na binadamu. Nguvu za dhampiri ni sawa na zile za wanyonyadamu, lakini bila udhaifu wa kawaida. Dhampiri wengi hudharau upande wa giza wa urithi wao na huwa wawinda-wanyonyadamu, na wanadhaniwa kuwa stadi katika kugundua na kuua wanyonyadamu. Neno la dhampiri linaaminika kutokana na neno la Kialbania dham “meno” na pirë “kunywa”. Wanyonyadamu huwa na ashiki kubwa kwa wanawake, hivyo aliyegeuzwa kuwa mnyonyadamu hivi karibuni atarudi kujamiiana na mkewe au mwanamke aliyempendeza katika maisha yake, na wanyonyadamu Wabulgaria hasa huwa na tamaa ya kubikiri mabikira.

A dhampir, or half-vampire, in Balkan tales is the child of a vampire and a human. Dhampir powers are similar to those of vampires, but without the usual weaknesses. Many dhampirs despise the dark side of their heritage and become vampire hunters, and are believed to be skilled in detecting and killing vampires. The word dhampir is believed to derive from the Albanian word dham "teeth" and pirë "to drink". Vampires have a desire for women, so one who was changed into a vampire recently will return to have intercourse with his wife or the woman who was attractive to him in his life, and Bulgarian vampires especially passion to deflower virgins. 

mnyonyadamu = vampire
nusu-mnyonyadamu = half-vampire
urithi = heritage
mwinda-wanyonyadamu = vampire hunter
Kialbania = Albanian (adj.)
hivi karibuni = recently
kujamiiana na = to mate with / to have intercourse with
mkewe = his wife
maisha = life(-time)
Mbulgaria = Bulgarian (person)
Wabulgaria = Bulgarians (people)
kubikiri = to deflower (a virgin)
bikira = virgin

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Aina za Barakoa (Types of Masks)

Barakoa (Mask/s)

Barakoa Mask (covers nose and mouth)
Barakoa ya dhumna Domino mask
Barakoa ya gesi Gas mask
Barakoa ya hoki Hockey mask
Barakoa ya Kivenisi Venetian mask
Barakoa ya kupiga mbizi Scuba mask
Barakoa ya kutia weko Welding mask
Barakoa ya oksijeni Oxygen mask
Barakoa ya skii Ski mask
Barakoa ya upasuaji Surgical mask
Kidoto Blindfold
Kinyago Mask (carved mask covering entire face)
Kipumulio Respirator
Maskhara / Kifuniko Mask (covers the eyes & forehead)