Wednesday, February 28, 2018

kifuniko chenye barakoa

kifuniko chenye barakoa (masked cowl)
sura ya siri (secret identity)

Mtu-Popo huvaa aina ya kifuniko chenye barakoa ambacho hufunika sio tu juu ya kichwa chake, lakini pia macho yake kuficha sura yake ya siri.

Batman wears a type of cowl that covers not only the top of his head, but also his eyes to conceal his secret identity.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


kinyago (carved mask)

Vinyago vya kikabila kwa kawaida huchongwa kwa mbao ili vifanane na wanyama na virembeshwe kwa mrija na manyoya. 

Tribal masks are usually carved out of wood to resemble animals and decorated with straw and feathers.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Watu-X #7 (X-Men #7)

Bonge na Undugu wa Vioja Viovu (Blob and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants)

Profesa X awaacha Watu-X ili kushughulikia na baadhi ya kazi muhimu na aweka rasmi Saiklopsi kuwa kiongozi wakati ambapo hakuwepo. Magneto ampata Bonge kwenye kanivali na baada ya vizuizi vya akilini mwake, vilivyowekwa humo na Profesa X, kubomolewa, Bonge akumbuka mkutano wake na Watu-X. Akitaka kulipiza kisasi, Bonge ajiunga na Undugu wa Magneto. Kwa wakati huu, wahitimu wengine wa Watu-X wanasherehekea mjini, wakati Scott apokeapo ilani kutoka kwa Cerebro kwamba Bonge amerudi. Katika pigano ifuatayo na Watu-X, Bonge atambua kwamba Magneto aona kwamba yeye na wanachama wengine wa timu yake wanaweza kutolewa mhanga. Kwa kweli, ingawa Bonge amesimama katikati ya uwanja wa mapigano, Magneto aendelea kurusha makombora kwenye Watu-X, wakati walipokuwa wamekusanyika katika mahali pamoja. Kwa bahati nzuri, unene wa Bonge uliwalinda Watu-X kutokana na mlipuko huo. Mara tu Magneto na Undugu wakimbiapo, Bonge aamua kurudi kwenye maisha yake ya zamani katika maonyesho ya vioja ya sarakasi.

Professor X leaves the X-Men to deal with some important tasks and appoints Cyclops as leader during his absence. Magneto finds the Blob at the carnival and after his mental blocks, placed in there by Professor X, break down, the Blob remembers his meeting with the X-Men. Wanting revenge, Blob joins Magnet's Brotherhood. In the meantime, the other X-Men graduates are celebrating in town, when Scott receives an alert from Cerebro that the Blob has returned. In the following battle with the X-Men, the Blob realizes that Magneto considers him and his fellow team members expendable. In fact, even though the Blob is standing in the line of fire, Magneto proceeds to fire missiles on the X-Men, while they are gathered together in one place. Fortunately, Blob's corpulence shielded the X-Men from the explosion. Once Magneto and the Brotherhood flee, Blob decides to return to his former life in the circus freakshow.


barakoa (mask)

Barakoa ni kifaa kinachovaliwa usoni hasa kuficha uso au kuburudisha. Lakini, barakoa za spoti huvaliwa kukinga uso. Ninja huvaa barakoa ambayo hufunika mdomo, mashavu na pua yao.

A mask is an object worn on the face especially for disguise or entertainment. But, sports masks are worn to protect the face. Ninjas wear a mask that covers their mouth, cheeks and nose.

Imperative of you; ye (Learn Swahili)

Fanyeni !Mfanye !do !Msifanye !don't do !
Fungeni !Mfunge !close !Msifunge !don't close !
Fungueni !Mfungue !open !Msifungue !don't open !
Kamateni !Mkamate !catch !Msikamate !don't catch !
Ngojeni !Mngoje !wait !Msingoje !don't wait !
Safisheni !Msafishe !clean !Msisafishe !don't clean !
Sikieni !Msikie !hear !Msisikie !don't hear !
Someni !Msome !read !Msisome !don't read !
Pikeni !Mpike !cook !Msipike !don't cook !
Fuateni !Mfuate !follow !Msifuate !don't follow !
Pigeni !Mpike !hit !Msipige !don't hit !
Wekeni !Mweke !put !Msiweke!don't put !
Leteni !Mlete !bring !Msilete !don't bring !

verbs of Arabic origin
Jaribuni !Mjaribu !try !Msijaribu !don't try !
Rudini !Mrudi !come back !Msirudi !don't come back !
Sameheni !Msamehe !forgive !Msisamehe !don't forgive !
Haribuni !Msiharibu !destroy !Msiharibu !don't destroy !
Jibuni !Msijibu !answer !Msijibu !don't answer !

monosyllabic verbs
Kuleni !Mle !eat !Msile !don't eat !
Kunyweni !Mnywe !drink !Msinywe !don't drink !
Njooni !Mje !come !Msije !don't come !
Nendeni !Mwende !go !Msiende !don't go !

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Kifuniko Kidogo Chekundu (Little Red Riding Hood)

Kifuniko Kidogo Chekundu (Little Red Riding Hood)
hadithi ya kichimbakazi (fairytale)
peke yake (by herself)
iliyojaa (filled with)
njiani akielekea (on the way to)
Mbwa-Mwitu Mkubwa Mbaya (The Big Bad Wolf)

"Kifuniko Kidogo Chekundu" ni hadithi ya vichimbakazi kuhusu msichana mdogo, aliyevalia kifuniko chekundu, ambaye anatembea katikati ya msitu peke yake na kubeba kikapu kilichojaa chakula na divai kwa nyanya yake. Lakini, njiani akielekea nyumbani kwa nyanya yake, alisimamishwa na Mbwa-Mwitu Mkubwa Mbaya. 

"Little Red Riding Hood" is a fairytale about a young girl in a red hood who is walking through the woods by herself to bring a basket filled with food and wine to her grandmother. But, on the way to her grandmother's house, she was stopped by the Big Bad Wolf.

Imperative of you; thou (Learn Swahili)

Learn amri (commands) in Swahili for the 2nd person singular you or thou

Fanya !Ufanye !do !Usifanye !don't do !
Funga !Ufunge !close !Usifunge !don't close !
Fungua !Ufungue !open !Usifungue !don't open !
Kamata !Ukamate !catch !Usikamate !don't catch !
Ngoja !Ungoje !wait !Usingoje !don't wait !
Safisha !Usafishe !clean !Usisafishe !don't clean !
Sikia !Usikie !hear !Usisikie !don't hear !
Soma !Usome !read !Usisome !don't read !
Pika !Upike !cook !Usipike !don't cook !
Fuata !Ufuate !follow !Usifuate !don't follow !
Piga !Upige !hit !Usipige !don't hit !
Weka !Uweke !put !Usiweke !don't put !
Lete !Ulete !bring !Usilete !don't bring !

Verbs of Arabic origin do not change endings in the polite and negative forms

verbs of Arabic origin
Jaribu !Ujaribu !try !Usijaribu !don't try !
Rudi !Urudi !come back !Usirudi !don't come back !
Samehe !Usamehe !forgive !Usisamehe !don't forgive !
Haribu !Uharibu !destroy !Usiharibu !don't destroy !
Jibu !Ujibu !answer !Usijibu !don't answer !

Monosyllabic verbs can act a little irregularly. 

monosyllabic verbs
Kula !Ule !eat !Usile !don't eat !
Kunywa !Unywe !drink !Usinywe !don't drink !
Njoo !Uje !come !Usije !don't come !
Nenda !Uende !go !Usiende !don't go !

Watu-X #6 (X-Men #6)

Namor, Mwananyambizi (Namor, the Sub-Mariner

Xavier na Magneto pia wajaribu kumshawishi Mwananyambizi ajiunge na timu zao, kwa maana aweza kuwa na jeni-X. Akivutiwa na urembo wa Mchawi Mwekundu, Namor mwanzoni achukua msimamo upande wa Undugu. Hata hivyo, baada ya kutambua maoni makatili ya Magneto, Namor kisha ampinga. Kwa kuwa Magneto hawezi kumdhibiti mtu huyo mwenye nguvu wa Atlantis, ajaribu kumwua, lakini ashindwa. Namor arudi kwenye ufalme wake wa chini ya bahari na Undugu watoroka kwa mara nyingine tena. 

Both Xavier and Magneto try to persuade the Sub-Mariner to join their respective teams, for he may be a mutant. Impressed with the Scarlet Witch's beauty, Namor at first sides with the Brotherhood. However after becoming aware of Magneto's tyrannical attitudes, Namor then confronts him. Since Magneto cannot control this powerful Atlantean, he tries to kill him, but fails. Namor returns to his undersea kingdom and the Brotherhood escapes once again.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

kofia & chepeo

kofia (hat)
chepeo (cap)
ukingo (brim)
kizuia-jua (visor)

Kofia ni kifuniko cha kichwa kilicho na ukingo ambacho huvaliwa kujikinga kutokana na nguvu za asili, sherehe fulani au kama mtindo wa mavazi. Chepeo ni aina ya vazi la kichwa ambalo hutoshea kabisa kichwani kilicho na kizuia-jua lakini halina ukingo wa kuzuia mwangaza kutoka machoni.

A hat is a head covering that has a brim that is worn to protect oneself against the elements, certain ceremonies or as fashion of clothing. A cap is a type of headgear that fits close to the head that has a visor, but does not have a brim to block sunlight from the eyes.

Friday, February 23, 2018


Kilemba ni aina ya vazi la kichwa la kitamaduni ambalo huvaliwa na wanaume kutoka Uhindi, Uswahili na Kaskazini mwa Afrika na huzungushwa kichwani.

A turban is a type of customary headwear that is worn by men from India, the Swahili Coast and the north of Africa and is wrapped around the head.

Watu-X #5 (X-Men #5)

Watu-X na Undugu wa Vioja Viovu, Sura ya Pili 
(The X-Men and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Chapter Two)

Watu-X wana wasiwasi juu ya Profesa, lakini lazima wajifanye kana kwamba kila kitu ni shwari, wazazi wa Jean walipokuja kumtembelea. Magneto amvisha Jura kama mwanariadha ili aonyeshe nguvu zake za pekee hadharani ili kupata nadhari ya Watu-X. Watu-X wanapokutana uso kwa uso na Undugu, Malaika ametekwa nyara na amepelekwa kwa Asteroidi M, ambapo anahojiwa. Watu-X wamwokoa mwanatimu wao na kuangamiza asteroidi hiyo. Tena nyumbani, Xavier afunua kwamba hakupoteza kamwe nguzu zake; alikuwa akiwajaribu tu ili kuona kama Watu-X wangeweza kufaulu bila msaada wake wa akili.

The X-Men are worried about the Professor, but they have to pretend as if everything were all right, when Jean's parents come to visit her. Magneto dresses the Toad as an athlete for him to display his special powers publicly in order to get the X-Men's attention. When the X-Men confront the Brotherhood, the Angel has been taken hostage and has been taken to Asteroid M, where he is interrogated. The X-Men save their teammate and destroy the asteroid. Back home, Xavier reveals that he never lost his powers; he was only testing them to see if the X-Men could succeed without his mental help.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

kitambaa cha kichwa

kitambaa cha kichwa (head tie; lit. headcloth)

Kwa kawaida, vitambaa vya kichwa huwa na rangi nyingi na huvaliwa na wanawake kutoka Magharibi na Kusini mwa Afrika.

Generally, head ties are colorful and are worn by women from West and Southern Africa.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

utaji wa kitawa

kitambaa cha kichwa (headscarf)
mtawa wa kike (nun)
utaji wa kitawa (wimple)

Vitambaa vya kichwa huvaliwa na wanawake wa dini zote. Vazi la kitawa lifunikalo kichwa linalovaliwa na watawa wa kike hujulikana vizuri zaidi kama utaji wa kitawa ambao huvaliwa shingoni na kidevuni.

Headscarves are worn by women of all religions. The head-covering habit worn by nuns is better known as a wimple which is worn around the neck and chin.

nchi za Afrika

Afrika (Africa)
Mwafrika (an African)
Kiafrika (African)

Gambiathe Gambia
Guinea (Gine)Guinea
Guinea ya Ikweta (Ginekweta)Equatorial Guinea
Guinea-Bissau (Ginebisau)Guinea-Bissau
Jamhuri ya Afrika ya Katithe Central African Republic
Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongothe Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kodivaa*the Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire)
Kongo*the Congo
Madagaska (Bukini)Madagascar
Moroko (Maroko)Morocco
Msumbiji (Mozambiki)Mozambique
Naija* (Nijeri)Niger
Naijeria* (NIjeria)Nigeria
Sahara Magharibi (Sahara ya Magharibi)the Western Sahara
Siera Leoni*Sierra Leone
Sudani*the Sudan
Sudani* KusiniSouth Sudan
Ugandathe Uganda
Uhabeshi (Ethiopia)Ethiopia
Unguja (Zanzibari)*Zanzibar