Monday, April 2, 2018

mabadiliko (transformation)

kubadili (v.t. to change)
kubadilika (v.i. to change [of its own accord]; to transform; to mutate)
kubadilisha (v.t. to [cause to] change; to transform; to mutate; to alter)
kujibadilisha (ref. to transform oneself)

Kwa mfano, mwanamume alibadili jina la mwanawe kuwa Abrahamu.
For example, the man changed his son's name to Abraham.

mabadiliko (changes; alterations; transformation)

mabadiliko ya chembe za urithi (mutation; lit. changes of the genetic cells)
mabadiliko jeni (gene mutation; lit. gene changes)
aliyebadilika-jeni (mutant; lit. one who changed by [his] genes)

Aliyebadilika-jeni ni neno linalorejelea kiumbe ambaye chembe zake za urithi zimebadilika. Kwa mfano, kambamti wenye chembe za urithi zilizobadilika huweza kuwa na rangi ya buluu badala ya kuwa na rangi yake nyekundu ya asili. 

Mutant is a word that refers to a creature whose genetic cells have changed. For example, a mutant lobster can have a blue color instead of having its natural red color.

mwenye jeni-X (a Marvel mutant; lit. a possessor of the X-gene)
kioja (an oddity; an anomaly; something marvellous; something astonishing)

aliyebadilishwa-jeni (a mutate; lit. one whose genes were changed / one who was changed by the genes)
kiumbe mwenye uwezo unaozidi ule wa wanadamu (a superhuman; lit. a creature with abilities that exceed those of humans)
nguvu zinazozidi zile za wanadamu (superhuman powers; lit. powers that exceed those of humans)
asiyebinadamu (an inhuman)
taifa la chini (sub-race)
kurithiwa (to be inherited)

Hata hivyo, mtu mwenye jeni-X ulimwenguni mwa Marvel ni aina ya kiumbe mwenye chembe za urithi zilizobadilika ambaye hujitokeza katika komiki za bunilizi ya kisayansi, kama vile Watu-X, na ambaye alizaliwa akiwa na jeni-X isababishayo mabadiliko hayo ya chembe zao za urithiKatika ulimwengu wa Marvel Comics, istilahi ya aliyebadilishwa-jeni (mutate) inayorejelea kiumbe ambaye chembe zake za urithi zimebadilishwa ili awe na uwezo unaozidi ule wa wanadamu, tofauti na waliobadilika-jeni, wasiobinadamu na mataifa mengine ya chini ya ubinadamu ambayo mabadiliko yao ya urithi hurithiwa.

However, a Marvel mutant is a type of mutant who appears in science fiction comics, such as The X-Men, and who is born with the X-gene which causes this mutation of theirs. In the Marvel Comics universe, the term mutate refers to a creature whose genetic cells have been changed to become superhuman, as opposed to mutants, inhumans and other sub-races of humanity whose genetic alterations are inherited.

mageuzi ya spishi (evolution)
dubwana la mfukoni (pocket monster)
metamofosisi (metamorphosis)
takwimu (statistic)
tajriba (experience)
ya kutosha (enough)

Mageuzi ya spishi ya dubwana la mfukoni ni mabadiliko ghafla ya umbo ambayo ni ya kufanana na metamofosisi kuliko mageuzi halisi ya spishi inayoandamana na kuongezeka kwa idadi ya takwimu; hii inaweza tu kutokea iwapo kiumbe amepata pointi za tajriba za kutosha.

Evolution of a pocket monster is a sudden change in form which is more akin to a metamorphosis than actual evolution accompanied by an increase in statistical values; this only can occur once the creature has gained enough experience points.

mbadilisha-umbo (shape-shifter)
kugeuza (v.t. to change)
kugeuka kuwa (to turn into)

Wabadilisha-umbo ni viumbe wenye uwezo wa kujibadilisha na kubadilisha umbo lao na kuwa watu wengine, wanyama na hata vitu vingine. Mbadilisha-umbo maarufu zaidi ni Mistiki kutoka Watu-X.

Shape-shifters are creatures with the ability to transform and change their shape into other people, animals and other objects. The most famous shape-shifter is Mystique from the X-Men.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

mjiambuaji (stripper)

mjiambuaji (stripper)
mcheza-dansi mtiriri (exotic dancer)

Mjiambuaji au mcheza-densi mtiriri, kwa kawaida huitwa stripa, ni mwanamke (au pia mwanamume) anayevua nguo zake kwa pesa.

A stripper or exotic dancer, usually called stripper, is a woman (or also a man) who takes off her/his clothes for money.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


mpira wa asili (real rubber; to distinguish from the preceding mpira which in this context means ball)
mcheza-tenisi (tennis player)
iliyo tupu ndani (hollow)
iliyofunikwa kwa (covered with)
neti (net)
mpinzani (opponent)

Tenisi ni mchezo ambao kwa kawaida huchezwa kati ya wacheza-tenisi wawili ambapo mpira wa mpira wa asili ulio tupu ndani na uliofunikwa kwa kitambaa gandamizo hupigwa juu ya neti hadi kwenye kiwanja cha mchezo cha mpinzani.

Tennis is a sport that is usually played between two tennis players in which a hollow rubber ball covered with felt is struck over a net into the opponent's court.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


gofu (golf)
usahihi (precision)
klabu ya gofu (golf club)
mchezaji wa gofu; mcheza-gofu (golfer)
inayoshindana (competing)
kadha ya (several)
kadhaa (several)
iliyomo (which are in)
uwanja wa gofu (golf course)
idadi (amount)
~ kidogo iwezekanayo (lowest possible ~)
mpigo (stroke; swing)

Gofu ni mchezo wa usahihi wa klabu na mpira ambapo wachezaji wa gofu wanaoshindana hutumia aina ya kadha ya klabu (k.v. kigoe, chuma, weji, puta, chipa) ili kugonga mpira mdogo mweupe kwa mashimo kadhaa yaliyomo katika uwanja wa gofu kwa kutumia idadi kidogo iwezekanavyo ya mpigo.

Golf is a precision club-and-ball sport in which competing golfers use several types of clubs (ex: a driver, an iron, wedge, putter, chipper) in order to hit a small white ball into a several holes on a golf course by using the fewest amount of strokes.

Monday, March 12, 2018

mpira wa wavu

mpira wa wavu (volleyball)
kuweka chini mpira (to ground a ball)
kiwanja cha mchezo (court)

Mpira wa wavu ni mchezo ambapo timu mbili za wachezaji sita hujaribu kupata pointi kwa kuweka chini mpira kwenye kiwanja cha mchezo ya timu hiyo nyingine.

Volleyball is a sport in which two teams of six players try to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

mpira wa kikapu

mpira wa kikapu (basketball)
nia (objective; aim; goal)
iliyowekwa (placed; positioned; put)
sambamba na upeo wa macho (horizontal; lit. parallel with the eyes' horizon)

Mpira wa kikapu ni mchezo wa kikundi ukiwa na nia ya kutupa mpira kupitia kikapu kilichowekwa sambamba na upeo wa macho ili kupata pointi.

Basketball is a team sport whose objective is to shoot a ball through a horizontally-positioned basket to score points.

Watu-X #13 (The X-Men #13)

Mlokole, Sura ya Pili (The Juggernaut, Chapter Two)
Mahali Mlokole anapotembea! (Where the Juggernaut walks!)

Mlokole anavunja jumba la Watu-X na anajitayarisha kumshambulia kaka yake wa kambo—Profesa X. Watu-X wanaweza tu kumshughulisha mhalifu huyo asiyezuilika, wakati Profesa X anapoomba msaada kwa akili yake kwa kutumia kifaa kipya cha kukuza nguvu zake. Mwishowe, Mwanadamu Mwenge anaitika na kusaidia kumkengeusha Mlokole kwa muda mrefu wa kutosha, ili Watu-X wamvue helmeti yake. Sasa kwa kuwa Mlokole anaweza kudhurika na telepathia ya Profesa X, adui yao alishindwa kwa urahisi, lakini kila mmoja wa Watu-X ndiyo alipokea majeraha machache.

The Juggernaut breaks into the X-Men's mansion and is getting ready to attack his step-brother—Professor X. The X-Men can only keep the unstoppable villain busy, while Professor X mentally calls for help with a new amplifying device. Finally, Human Torch responds and helps distract the Juggernaut long enough for the X-Men to take off his helmet. Now with Juggernaut vulnerable to Professor X's telepathy, their enemy was defeated easily, but each one of the X-Men did receive some injuries.